Nuclear Structure 1
- Gerda Neyens (KU Leuven (BE))
Despite the atomic nuclei are quantum many-body systems made of interacting protons and neutrons, their spectra can be in many cases described by simple geometrical models. The best framework to explain microscopically such a collective behavior is the self-consistent mean-field approach based on energy density functionals like Skyrme, Gogny or Relativistic Mean Field. These methods have been...
ISOLTRAP [1] mass measurements of neutron rich copper isotopes are presented. $^{79}$Cu could be addressed by the first time using a Multi-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (MR-ToF MS) [2]. With only one proton above the $Z$ = 28 core, the binding energies of the copper isotopes are sensitive to the evolution of nuclear shell structure close to the doubly-magic $^{78}$Ni isotope....
Shape staggering, shape coexistence and beta-delayed fission in bismuth isotopes studied by in-source laser spectroscopy (IS608)
A. Barzakh
*Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC Kurchatov Institute, 188300 Gatchina, Russia
On behalf of Leuven-Gatchina-ISOLDE-Mainz-Manchester-York and Windmill-ISOLTRAP-RILIS...