Workshop on adapting applications and computing services to multi-core and virtualization

40-S2-A01 (CERN)



Preparatory workshop towards drawing up a roadmap for providing IT services which allow LHC experiment applications to exploit multi-core and virtualization capabilities. Applications being developed to exploit new hardware architectures and virtualization technology impose new requirements on the computing services provided by the local computer centers or by the Grids. The goal of this workshop is to discuss these new requirements and to have a first exploration of the possible solutions that service providers could offer to the LHC experiments. Contacts: Pere Mato (CERN) , Predrag Buncic (CERN) , Vincenzo Innocente (CERN) , Denise Heagerty (CERN) EVO conference has been booked at Universe community 24-June: 25-26 June:
Summary Document
    • Welcome and Technology session 40-S2-A01



      • 1
        Introduction to the Workshop
        Speaker: Pere Mato
      • 2
        VMware virtual datacenter operating system and cloud computing
        - Virtual Datacenter OS - Foundation for the Cloud - VMware vSphere Architecture advantages and benefits - How to transform your datacenters to vSphere Architecture
        Speaker: Ralf von Gunten (VMware (Sr. Systems Engineer))
      • 3
        Cisco Unified Computing System
        - Cisco Datacenter Vision - Unified Computing Systems overview - Unified Computing Systems business benefits and technical advantages
        Speaker: Vincent Meoni (Cisco (DataCenter Systems Engineer))
      • 4
        From Application to Appliance - Tackling the โ€œLast Mileโ€ of IT Process Automation
        Speaker: Erik Troan (rPath (CTO))
      • 16:00
        coffee break
      • 5
        Using Linux KVM and KSM in scientific computing environments
        Linux as Hypervisor with KVM is particularly performant virtualization technology to use in scientific computing environments, thanks especially to its (out of sync) secondary MMU management of the shadow page tables and it support for CPUs with EPT or NPT. In addition KVM leverages: the efficiency, testing and reliability of the huge pool of Linux Kernel device drivers, the close integration of the KVM shadow page tables management with the Linux Virtual Memory subsystem that allows KVM to take advantage of kernel features like swapping and KSM in a fully transparent way and much more.
        Speaker: Andrea Arcangeli (RedHat)
      • 6
        Scheduling for mixed parallel and sequential workload
        The talk will cover various techniques within the LSF Workload Management system for promoting higher efficiency with a non-homogeneous workload: - How to guarantee that parallel jobs can run in a mixed sequential/parallel environment (slot reservation /memory reservation/backfill) - How to maximize the efficiency on multicpu/multicore machines by using CPU binding - How to maximize the efficiency of very short jobs by using sub-scheduling (Session Scheduler) - How to maximize the efficiency of memory usage - How to maximize the efficiency of distributed parallel jobs: taking in account the compute farm topology
        Speaker: Mr Robert Lurin (Platform)
      • 7
    • New Application Requirements 40-S2-A01



      • 8
        Adapting LHC Applications to Multi-core architectures
        Speaker: vincenzo innocente (CERN)
      • 9
        Experience with multi- and many-core at openlab
        The presentation would focus on the current hardware, future hardware, scalability issues and the experience we've had with both software and hardware in the area of multi-/many-core
        Speaker: Andrzej Nowak (CERN)
      • 10
        Virtualizing LHC Applications
        Speaker: Predrag Buncic (CERN)
      • 10:45
        coffee break
      • 11
        ATLAS experience with multi-core and virtualization
        Speaker: Paolo Calafiura (LBNL)
      • 12
        LHCb End-User Experience
        Speaker: Thomas Ruf (CERN)
    • Computing Services 40-S2-A01



      • 13
        Next generation of virtual infrastructure with Hyper-V
        Internet Services group provides the hardware and OS layers for services operated by different CERN organizational units. Within this framework, a user can ask for a new virtual server from a web browser and have it ready within 15 minutes. The latest release of the virtual infrastructure is based on Hyper-V, Microsoft Virtual Machine Manager, management SOAP web services and user web interface. This talk will present this approach and will discuss the evolution of the Microsoft Hypervisor from the perspective of both the end-user and the system administrator.
        Speaker: Juraj Sucik (CERN)
      • 14
        Virtualisation from a security perspective
        A look at some of the security issues around virtualization, covering both newly-added concerns as well as potential security benefits from using virtualization.
        Speaker: Jan Iven (CERN)
      • 15
        Possibilities and limitations of virtualization from a networking perspective
        This talk will address: types of networks for data centers and their impact on VM deployment, IPv4 address space limitation, VM migration and network infrastructure/services to support VMs at CERN.
        Speaker: Jose Carlos Luna Duran (CERN)
      • 16
        Virtualisation of Batch Services at CERN
        In this talk we will present a load-driven virtual machine provisioning mechanism based on Platform Virtual Machine Orchestrator (VMO). LSF and VMO are coupled to manage virtual machines that meet the requirements of the jobs. The underlying infrastructure uses Quattor/LANDB/CDB and LEMON monitoring which makes this virtual machine prototype compatible with the existing operations procedures.
        Speaker: Sebastien Goasguen (Clemson University)
      • 15:30
        coffee break
      • 17
        Practical aspects of multi-core job submission at CERN
        Speaker: Mr Ricardo Manuel Salgueiro Domingues da Silva (IT-FIO)
      • 18
    • Workshop Dinner Restaurant (Auberge Communale de Satigny)


      Auberge Communale de Satigny

      chemin de Merdisel 4 1242 Satigny

      Please use the following doodle poll to register to the dinner
      Transport can be organized.

    • Grid Services 40-S2-A01



      • 19
        Nimbus: Open Source IaaS Cloud Computing Software
        Nimbus is an open source cloud computing toolkit that allows you to turn your cluster into an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud.
        Speaker: Kate Keahey (Mathematics & CS Division, Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 20
        EGEE MPI working group
        In the original LHC Computing Grid, it was not possible to run parallel jobs which rely on communication between concurrent processes. Upon request of the user community, an MPI implementation on the Grid has been created. Recently, an MPI working group has been setup to investigate the bottlenecks with this MPI implementation both for system administrators and for users. Another task of this working group is to write recommendations for improvements and extensions. One of the extensions is a the mechanism for the user to request all cores on a single node.
        Speaker: Jeroen Engelberts
      • 21
        Evolution of OSG to support virtualization and multi-core applications
        Speaker: Daniel Charles Bradley (High Energy Physics)
      • 22
        The INFN experience with virtualized computing services and perspectives for integration of Grid and Cloud services in EGI (European Grid Initiative)
        In this talk we'll describe how INFN approached the problem of virtualizing existing computing farms, the technology and performance studies that were carried out, and a framework for the integration of both Grid and Cloud virtualized services into a distributed computing infrastructure like EGI.
        Speaker: Davide Salomoni (INFN-CNAF)
    • 11:00
      coffee break 40-S2-A01



    • Summary, final discussion and wrap-up 40-S2-A01



      • 23
        Summary of the workshop
        Speaker: Denise Heagerty (CERN)
      • 24
        Dynamic Cluster Partitioning for Worker Nodes
        Speaker: Yves Kemp (DESY)
      • 25