ADS has been evolving as ADANES (Accelerator Driven Advanced Nuclear Energy System) after intensive R&D last 5 years in CAS (Chinese Academy of Science). ADANES consist of the recycle fuel burner and the used fuel recycle. ADANES burner is optimized as nuclear waste transmutation, fissile material breeding and energy production in situ from traditional ADS. The fast core/blanket is designed to...
Accelerator Driven Systems have evoked considerable interest in the nuclear community the world over because of their capability to incinerate the minor actinides (MA) and LLFP (long-lived fission products) radiotoxic waste and utilization of Thorium as an alternative nuclear fuel. In the Indian context, due to our vast thorium resources, ADS is particularly important as one of the potential...
Partitioning and transmutation (P&T) technology of long lived radioactive nuclides such as minor actinides (MAs) will be a promising technology to reduce the burden of the geological disposal of the high-level radioactive waste (HLW). The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been continuously performing research and development (R&D) on the P&T technology. The R&D on the P&T technology in...
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) of USA and Kharkiv Institute of Physics & Technology (KIPT) of Ukraine are collaborating on the design, the construction, and the operation of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) supported by the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) program of the United States Department of Energy. RRRFR is a trilateral initiative among the United States, the Russian...
Scaling from the ORNL SNS 6% duty factor with 1.4 MW of beam on target to CW operation by appropriate upgrades of components, the traditionally considered Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) goal of 10 MW at 1 GeV is easily surpassed. However, studies have pointed out that even a few hundred trips of an accelerator lasting a few seconds could lead to unacceptable thermal stresses as each trip...
I will recall some salient aspects of reactor physics to review pertinent requirements and main specifications for accelerators driving a hybrid nuclear system with significant thermal power.
I will try to put this into the perspective of the historical developments. Due to time constraints, the term “review” (assigned from the organizing committee), or “overview”, as I have chosen for the...
The state of the art of accelerator physics and technologies allows to cope with the challenge of a compact cyclotron driver for an ADS demonstrator aiming at providing a proton beam power in the 5 to 10 MWatt range. The Single Stage Cyclotron Driver (S2CDTM) design studies developped by the AIMA DEVELOPMENT (AD) company show that this concept could bring industrial attractive solutions in...
The presentation will focus on the potential and the main critical issues for high power proton linacs to drive a subcritical reactor. As an introduction the main beam requirements for an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) will be reminded: to safely guide and accelerate a continuous wave (CW) MW class beam with a high level of performance, and thus with an extreme level of reliability. Then, the...
The talk considers alternative possibilities for ADS drivers. The energy and current required for a typical design are somewhat beyond the reach of conventional cyclotrons and
synchrotrons; linear accelerators can supply the required power but they are expensive, and their price is a barrier to the wide adoption of the ADSR concept. The Fixed Field
Alternating Gradient (FFAG) combines the best...
The scientific and technological challenges relative to the integration, in a nuclear power facility, of the three main components of an ADS (an accelerator delivering a high-energy particle beam, a heavy metal spallation target acting as a neutron source when bombarded by ions and a subcritical multiplying medium possibly comprising significant amounts of MA and/or LLFP) are numerous. Their...
The accelerator-driven system (ADS) has been developed for producing energy and for transmuting minor actinides and long-lived fission products. In the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, for the feasibility study of ADS, various experiments and numerical analyses related to ADS have been conducted with the combined use of the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA) and two types of...
To reduce the burden of the geological disposal of high-level waste (HLW), the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has investigated an accelerator-driven system (ADS) to transmute minor actinide (MA) included in HLW. Since the ADS is a hybrid system of an accelerator and a subcritical core, there are various inherent issues in the research and development of the ADS. As one of the critical...
The CYCLAD project proposed by CERN is a novelty-ADS because it couples a Single-Stage High Power Cyclotron with a sub-critical system based on the innovative lead-cooled LFR-AS-200.
LFR-AS-200 is under development by Hydromine in cooperation with ENEA. LFR stands for Lead-cooled Fast Reactor, AS stands for Amphora-Shaped, referring to the shape of the inner vessel and 200 is the electrical...
This report summarizes the results of discussions of a Research ADS Stand at the Institute for Nuclear Research (INR), to couple for the first time a proton beam to a subcritical core at a thermal power exceeding 1 MW (1 to 3 MW) for investigations in areas of nuclear transmutation and thorium fuel cycle.
The existing infrastructure provided by the INR linear accelerator and experimental area...
We studied a flexible ADS based irradiation facility with fast neutrons inside the core and slow neutrons in the composite light reflector. A fast reactor core has been studied using MCNP-6 code with a mixed reflector formed by three concentric cylindrical layers (lead+graphite+lead) in order to
have different neutron spectra to perform various types of measurements without perturbing the ADS...