8–13 Mar 2006
Indian Institute of Science
Europe/Zurich timezone

Developments for a digital TPC : the SiTPC project

13 Mar 2006, 11:25
SSCU (Indian Institute of Science)


Indian Institute of Science

C. V. Raman Road, Bangalore 560012, India
Oral Tracking and Vertexing Tracking and Vertexing


Paul Colas (Saclay)


Results and simulations of a TPC with an endplate with a Micromegas or a GEM amplification followed by a readout by a VLSI CMOS chip Medipix2 will be presented. The steps in progress towards the realisation of a sizeable prototype, within the EUDET program, will be presented: improvement of the protection against breakdown, integration of the Micromegas grid onto the wafer (InGrid), and design of the Timepix chip provided with a timing and/or time-over-threshold capability.


Paul Colas (Saclay)

Presentation materials