Laci Andricek
10/03/2006, 09:00
Tracking and Vertexing
Devis Contarato
10/03/2006, 09:25
Tracking and Vertexing
The talk will present recent progress in the design and characterisation of CMOS
pixel sensors at LBNL. The talk will report results of lab tests, beam tests and
radiation hardness tests carried out at LBNL on a test structure with pixel of
various sizes.
We will also report the first preliminary results of a detailed characterisation of
backthinned CMOS pixel sensors and discuss future...
James Brau
10/03/2006, 09:45
Tracking and Vertexing
The Yale/Oregon effort to develop a CMOS vertex detector sensor with single bunch
crossing time stamping will be reviewed. The R&D program is first developing a large
pixel (50 um x 50 um) sensor, with a four deep memory for each pixel, and eventually
will move to fine pixels (10 um x 10um) by changing to a smaller feature size
semiconductor process.
Marc Winter
10/03/2006, 10:05
Tracking and Vertexing
Recent achievements with CMOS sensors of the MIMOSA series will be reported,
including test results of prototypes featuring radiation tolerant pixels operated at
room temperature, fast read-out architectures with integrated signal discrimination,
etc. Work in progress and plans for 2006 will be outlined.
Konstantin Stefanov
(CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
11/03/2006, 11:00
Tracking and Vertexing
Recent results are presented on the design and testing of silicon sensors for the ILC
vertex detector and of the associated readout electronics. The sensors discussed are
the Column Parallel Charge-Coupled Device (CPCCD) and the In-situ Storage Image
Sensor (ISIS), both of which have the potential to satisfy the requirements for
operation at the ILC. Progress with the development of the...
Nikolai Sinev
(University of Oregon)
11/03/2006, 11:25
Tracking and Vertexing
In our earlier investigations of radiation damage effects in a CCD based detector we
observed that some parameters of the radiation damage related processes were very
different from the common perception. For example, trapping time of electrons by
trapping centers created by irradiation was few orders of magnitude larger than it
was believed it should be. Last year we did additional...
Alexei Raspereza
(DESY, Hamburg),
Alexei Raspereza
11/03/2006, 11:45
Tracking and Vertexing
A procedure of digitization of hits produced in the silicon tracking subdetectors of
the LC detector has been developed. The procedure has been employed to evaluate
point resolution of the vertex detector. In addition stand-alone pattern recognition
algorithm has been developed to search for tracks in the vertex detector.
Performance of the algorithm has been evaluated in the presence...
Andre Sopczak
(Lancaster University)
11/03/2006, 12:10
Tracking and Vertexing
A vertex detector concept of the Linear Collider Flavor Identification (LCFI)
collaboration, which studies pixel detectors for heavy quark flavour identification,
has been implemented in simulations for c-quark tagging in scalar top studies. The
production and decay of scalar top quarks (stops) is particularly interesting for the
development of the vertex detector as only two c-quarks and...
William Cooper
12/03/2006, 11:00
Tracking and Vertexing
The present mechanical design of the vertex detector for SiD will be described. The
design includes a 12.5 cm long central barrel with silicon pixels. Four disks with
silicon pixels and three additional disks, which could be based upon silicon pixels
or micro-strips, are located beyond each barrel end. Since sensor technologies are
rapidly evolving and final operating requirements are...
Steve Worm
(CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
12/03/2006, 11:25
Tracking and Vertexing
The Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) Collaboration is developing
sensors, electronic systems and mechanical support structures necessary for the
construction of a high performance vertex detector at the ILC and investigating the
contribution such a vertex detector can make to the physics accessible at the ILC.
Extremely low mass support structures will be required for the...
Jean-Francois Genat
(LPNHE UNiversite de Paris 6/IN2P3-CNRS)
12/03/2006, 11:45
Tracking and Vertexing
Final results on the 0.18 micron UMC FE chip are summarized and preliminary results
on time measurement are discussed. The status of the next version in 0.13 micron is
briefly presented.
Aurore Savoy-Navarro
(LPNHE UNiversite de Paris 6/IN2P3-CNRS)
12/03/2006, 12:00
Tracking and Vertexing
The present status in terms of sensors R&D and on mechanical developments on ladder
prototypes, large support structures, cooling alignement and integration are
described. The detailed test beam schedule and roadmap including prototypes and
combined tests with other sub-detectors is presented.
Hwanbae Park
(Kyungpook National University)
12/03/2006, 12:25
Tracking and Vertexing
The current status of the silicon strip sensor R&D activities in Korea will be presented.
Michael T. Ronan
12/03/2006, 14:00
Tracking and Vertexing
We present final analyis results of cosmic ray data taken with a Large-Area
Micromegas TPC by the Berkeley-Orsay-Saclay (BOS) collaboration. The TPC gas chamber
for these R&D studies was 50 cm diameter and 50 cm long and was operated with three
gas mixtures, Ar:CF4 3%, ArCH4 (P10) and Ar:Isobutane 5% in magnetic fields up to 2
tesla. A large-area, 38 cm diameter, copper Micromegas...
Akira Sugiyama
(University of Saga)
12/03/2006, 14:25
Tracking and Vertexing
The performances of the MT3-TPC prototype (Multi-Technology Test TPC) had been
studied using different gas amplification devices. The resolution is reconsidered
under various conditions and compared to parametrized simulation.
Rosario L. Reserva Reserva
(MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology)
12/03/2006, 14:45
Tracking and Vertexing
R&D studies on the performance as well as on the gas properties of the Micromegas
based time projection chamber with standard readout were carried out in June 2005
using 4 GeV/c pion beam in a magnetic field from 0 to 1 Tesla at the Proton
Synchrotron beam line at KEK, Japan. Analysis on the electron drift velocity,
diffusion constant and point resolution of padrow measurement for...
Makoto Kobayashi
12/03/2006, 15:10
Tracking and Vertexing
We conducted a series of beam tests of prototype TPCs at the KEK PS using GEMs or
microMEGAS as a detection device. The prototypes were operated successfully under a
magnetic field of up to 1 tesla. Experimental results, such as pad response and
spatial resolution as functions of drift distance, are presented with a special
emphasis upon comparison to the expectations from an analytical...
Madhu Dixit
(Carleton University and TRIUMF)
12/03/2006, 15:35
Tracking and Vertexing
The MPGD readout TPC for the ILC will have to measure ~200 track points with a
resolution close to 100 microns for all drift distances. It may be difficult to meet
the resolution target with conventional MPGD readout techniques if ~2 mm wide pads
were used as is presently envisioned. Reducing the pad width to improve resolution
could add significantly to the detector cost and complexity....
Katsumasa Ikematsu
13/03/2006, 11:00
Tracking and Vertexing
I will have a review of our DESY/U.Hamburg team's recent ILC TPC R&D activities. In
particular, I will report the results of 2 track separatability test using UV laser.
I will also summarize our future plan including EUDET related issue concerning the
large prototype field cage construction and preparation for test beam.
Paul Colas
13/03/2006, 11:25
Tracking and Vertexing
Results and simulations of a TPC with an endplate with a Micromegas or a GEM
amplification followed by a readout by a VLSI CMOS chip Medipix2 will be presented.
The steps in progress towards the realisation of a sizeable prototype, within the
EUDET program, will be presented: improvement of the protection against breakdown,
integration of the Micromegas grid onto the wafer (InGrid), and...
Ron Settles
13/03/2006, 11:50
Tracking and Vertexing
The LC TPC R&D work has been underway for four years, whereby the various TPC groups
have been learning to use the MPGD techniques by building and measuring with an
impressive number of small TPC prototypes (around 30cm diameter) using cosmics and
test beams, and using a variety of different gas mixtures. The next stage of this
work will focus the groups and work on building a Large...