4:00 PM
Status and Physics of the SHiP experiment at CERN
Annarita Buonaura
Annarita Buonaura
(Universita e INFN, Napoli (IT))
Annarita Buonaura
Annarita Buonaura
4:20 PM
Advancing the precision of proton-proton and proton-nucleus collision studies with A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC (AFTER@LHC)
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(IPN Orsay, Paris Sud U. / IN2P3-CNRS)
4:40 PM
Andrea Ferrero
(Universite de Geneve-Unknown-Unknown)
Andrea Ferrero
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
Andrea Ferrero
(Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives)
5:00 PM
Future Plans at Jefferson Lab: 12 GeV CEBAF Upgrade
Allison Lung
5:20 PM
Constantinos Andreopoulos
(University of Liverpool and STFC/RAL)
Costas Andreopoulos
(University of Liverpool & STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
5:40 PM
Neutrino-nucleus scattering at nuSTORM