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LHCb CO2 cooling meeting

Thursday 13 October 2016 - 14:00
CERN (20/1-004)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
13 Oct 2016
14:00 Setup and Introduction - Burkhard Schmidt (CERN)   (20/1-004)
14:10 Update on the primary chiller for the cooling systems - Paola Tropea (CERN) Olivier Crespo-Lopez (CERN)   (20/1-004)
14:25 Update on transferline between the cooling plants and the detector - Olivier Crespo-Lopez (CERN)   (20/1-004)
14:40 Update on the design and construction for the junction box - Edyta Maria Pilorz (Cracow University of Technology (PL)) Paola Tropea (CERN) Olivier Jamet (CERN)   (20/1-004)
15:00 Status of the VELO evaporator sudies, cooling requirements and other ongoing activities   (20/1-004)
15:30 Update on the UT evaporator studies in Milano and cooling requirements - Simone Coelli (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT)) Ray Mountain (Syracuse University (US))   (20/1-004)
15:40 Update on construction, cost and and schedule for the LUCASZ cooling plants - Bart Verlaat (CERN) Paolo Petagna (CERN)   (20/1-004)
15:55 A.O.B.   (20/1-004)