Tasneem Zehra Husain is a string theorist and the first Pakistani woman to obtain a PhD in this field. She is very active in advocating education in Pakistan: she helped setting up a Science and Engineering School in her home town Lahore, conducts educational workshops for science teachers, and also contributed to anthologies of science writing for adults and kids.
ATLAS Outreach and Peter Jenni, together with the CERN Diversity Office invited Tasneem Husain to spend a week of interactive encounters around science at CERN during the first week of October .
The program of the week:
Tuesday, 4 October 2016, from 15h30 to 18h: Book presentation organised by CERN Library and Diversity Office (poster, contact Nora Fulopp).
Wednesday, 5 October 2016, from 9h to 15h: Science writing workshop organised by ATLAS (poster, contact Claire Adam)
Friday, 7 October 2016, from 9h to 14h: Workshop on Promoting Particle Physics Worldwide organised by ATLAS (poster, contact Kate Shaw)
All 3 events are fully open to everyone at CERN!
Primary link with Tasneem: Peter Jenni.