Apr 17 – 22, 2017
UZ Obergurgl
Europe/Zurich timezone

Rebalance and Smear for predicting QCD backgrounds in searches for new physics

Apr 21, 2017, 7:10 PM
UZ Obergurgl

UZ Obergurgl

University Center Obergurgl Gaisbergweg 5 6456 Obergurgl Austria
Young Scientist Forum Physics Beyond the Standard Model YSF


Marek Adam Niedziela (Hamburg University (DE))


Searches for new physics in events with multiple jets and large missing transverse momentum are sensitive to a broad set of R-parity conserving SUSY models at the LHC. These searches rely on having an accurate prediction for the QCD background, especially when probing regions of the models with compressed spectra and/or regions featuring the production of light-flavor jets. A method for predicting the QCD background, called rebalance and smear, has been developed to model the multi-jet background for such searches for supersymmetry. A CMS search that makes use the rebalance and smear method in analyzing proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV is presented, and constraints on various regions of the MSSM are discussed.

Primary author

Marek Adam Niedziela (Hamburg University (DE))

Presentation materials