Tuesday Afternoon
- Martin Flechl (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
[On behalf of ILD and CEPC Collaborations] Future e+e- colliders offer excellent possibilities for precision studies in the Higgs sector due to the clean experimental conditions and low backgrounds compared to hadron colliders. At lower energies i.e. below 500 GeV, the Higgstrahlung is the dominant Higgs production mechanism. With the recoil mass analysis technique being the unique feature...
Measurements of the differential production cross-sections of the production of pairs of electroweak gauge bosons as well as top-quark pairs at the LHC provide stringent tests of advanced perturbative QCD calculations. In addition, these processes constitute a dominant background for many searches for signs of beyond Standard Model physics processes and are directly sensitive to anomalous...
We study the leading effective interactions between the Standard Model fields and a generic singlet CP-odd (pseudo)Goldstone boson. Two possible frameworks for electroweak symmetry breaking are considered: linear and non-linear. For the latter case, the basis of leading effective operators is determined and compared with that for the linear expansion. Associated phenomenological signals at...
We investigate the non-perturbative renormalization group flow of the Higgs potential beyond conventional perturbative approximations and reanalyze arguments that relate a lower mass bound for the Higgs boson with vacuum stability. In addition, we study the impact of higher order operators on this lower bound from an effective field theory point of view.
For the class of standard bare Higgs...
The production of pairs of Higgs bosons provides a direct handle on the structure of the Higgs field potential. While the HH production within the SM is very small and essentially out of the experimental reach within the Run I or II, several beyond SM theories foresee an enhancement that can be already probed with the available data. The talk will present the searches for resonant and...
The final Run 1 and first Run 2 results on the measurement of the cross sections, couplings and properties of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector are presented.