2nd TCT Workshop
Main Lecture Hall (Jožef Stefan Institute)
Main Lecture Hall
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
This is the second workshop on Transient Current Technique, with the first one being held at DESY in 2015 ( https://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=12934 ).
Transient Current Technique is becoming one of the key techniques in sensor characterization and qualification and has gained a lot of users in recent years. With Two Photon Absorption TCT on the horizon, the future of TCT certainly remains bright.
The workshop is dedicated to the exchange of information and experience in TCT. It covers all the aspects of operation:
-experimental equipment
-operational experiences
-analysis software and ways to extract different sensor information from measurements
-simulation of measurements
A speciality of the workshop is the laboratory exercise part where hands-on experience can be gained. The second workshop has extended the topic also to the most recent findings obtained from TCT measurements on different devices.
Oganizing committee Vladimir Cindro , Jožef Stefan Institute
Hendrik Jansen , DESY Andrej Gorišek, Jožef Stefan Institute
Gregor Kramberger, Jožef Stefan Institute
Susanne Kühn, Unviersity of Freiburg & CERN
Igor Mandić, Jožef Stefan Institute
Marko Mikuž, Jožef Stefan Institute & University of Ljubljana
Sven Wonsak, University of Liverpool
Marko Zavrtanik, Jožef Stefan Institute
Abdenour Lounis
Abhishek Sharma
Anastasiia Velyka
Andrej Gorisek
Andreja Butina
Bojan Hiti
Carlos Solans Sanchez
Christian Scharf
Dmytro Hohov
Egon Pavlica
Emanuele Cavallaro
Ettore Zaffaroni
Finn Feindt
Gregor Kramberger
Igor Mandic
Marcin Bartosik
Marco Bomben
Marco Costa
Marco Ferrero
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
Marko Mikuz
Marko Zavrtanik
Natascha Savic
Pedro Goncalo Dias De Almeida
Roberto Mulargia
Thomas Weston
Vladimir Cindro
William Holmkvist