Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2nd TCT Workshop

Main Lecture Hall (Jožef Stefan Institute)

Main Lecture Hall

Jožef Stefan Institute

Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
This is the second workshop on Transient Current Technique, with the first one being held at DESY in 2015 ( ). Transient Current Technique is becoming one of the key techniques in sensor characterization and qualification and has gained a lot of users in recent years. With Two Photon Absorption TCT on the horizon, the future of TCT certainly remains bright. The workshop is dedicated to the exchange of information and experience in TCT. It covers all the aspects of operation: -experimental equipment -operational experiences -analysis software and ways to extract different sensor information from measurements -simulation of measurements A speciality of the workshop is the laboratory exercise part where hands-on experience can be gained. The second workshop has extended the topic also to the most recent findings obtained from TCT measurements on different devices. Oganizing committee Vladimir Cindro , Jožef Stefan Institute Hendrik Jansen , DESY Andrej Gorišek, Jožef Stefan Institute Gregor Kramberger, Jožef Stefan Institute Susanne Kühn, Unviersity of Freiburg & CERN Igor Mandić, Jožef Stefan Institute Marko Mikuž, Jožef Stefan Institute & University of Ljubljana Sven Wonsak, University of Liverpool Marko Zavrtanik, Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Abdenour Lounis
  • Abhishek Sharma
  • Anastasiia Velyka
  • Andrej Gorisek
  • Andreja Butina
  • Bojan Hiti
  • Carlos Solans Sanchez
  • Christian Scharf
  • Dmytro Hohov
  • Egon Pavlica
  • Emanuele Cavallaro
  • Ettore Zaffaroni
  • Finn Feindt
  • Gregor Kramberger
  • Igor Mandic
  • Marcin Bartosik
  • Marco Bomben
  • Marco Costa
  • Marco Ferrero
  • Marcos Fernandez Garcia
  • Marko Mikuz
  • Marko Zavrtanik
  • Natascha Savic
  • Pedro Goncalo Dias De Almeida
  • Roberto Mulargia
  • Thomas Weston
  • Vladimir Cindro
  • William Holmkvist
  • Monday 17 October
    • 09:25
      Registration Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • 1
      Welcome Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • TCT systems Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana

      Update on present and future TCT systems

    • 11:00
      Coffee break Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • New ways of using TCT Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana

      Timing, Single Event Upset, Defect investigation

      • 4
        Laboratory results on LGADs (Timming)
        Speaker: Marco Ferrero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
      • 5
        TCT in presence of continuos illumination - studies of bulk material
        Speaker: Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
      • 6
        Resolving authentic time dependence of time-of-flight photocurrent in organic semiconductors

        Time-of-flight photoconductivity (TOF) is a powerful method, which is used to study conversion of photons to electrons and their transport through thin organic semiconductor layers. Compared to current-voltage characterization methods, TOF results are unaffected by the spurious effects at the semiconductor/metal interfaces. Precise knowledge of photocurrent time-dependence is of crucial importance for the determination of charge transport parameters such as mobility and the width of charge transporting states. Our TOF measurements of single-crystals of dioctyl-benzothieno-benzothiophene (C8-BTBT) show that transport of photexcited carriers and the corresponding photocurrent across two coplanar metal contacts separated by 120 µm, occurs in a fraction of a microsecond. However, measured time-dependent photocurrent (I(t)), compared to theoretical predictions, showed additional peaks and significant broadening of the I(t) lineshape. We found that additional peaks correspond to signal reflections from the waveguide terminations. And peaks broadening occurs due to 3-ns duration of the photoexcitation laser. Direct deconvolution of the measured signal was not possible due to signal reflections and relatively high noise-to-signal ratio. Therefore we estimated a time dependence of the photocurrent, which reproduced the measured signal transient. Estimated I(t) was considered as an authentic TOF response of the material under investigation.

        Speaker: Egon Pavlica (University of Nova Gorica)
    • Practical issues(tips and tricks) Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana

      Practical information on differnt difficulties experienced during operation

    • 13:10
      Lunch Break Za pumpo

      Za pumpo

    • Hands on experience JSI Labs

      JSI Labs

      Visiting the labs.

    • Results from recent TCT measurements on different detector structures Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • 16:40
      Wine tasting Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • 20:00
      Workshop dinner Pivnica Union -- Pivovarniška ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana

      Pivnica Union -- Pivovarniška ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana,14.498712,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xa70b6b06f9e1682f!8m2!3d46.059731!4d14.498712

  • Tuesday 18 October
    • Results from recent TCT measurements on different detector structures Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • 10:50
      Coffee break Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • Simulations Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • Discussion on Common Analysis, DAQ… Main Lecture Hall

      Main Lecture Hall

      Jožef Stefan Institute

      Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana
    • Hands on experience: individual tests/trials/exercises JSI Labs

      JSI Labs

      Visiting the labs.