The determination of Vcb from B->D*l nu is reviewed in the light of a recent Belle analysis, studying the dependence on the form factor parameterisation employed and the residual uncertainty. A long lasting discrepancy between the inclusive and exclusive determinations of |Vcb| has to be thoroughly reconsidered.
Measurements of B → D (*) τ ν transistions show presently a sizable
deviation from the Standard Model (SM). Possible interpretations in
terms of new physics (NP) are discussed, taking the most recent mea-
surements from the Belle and LHCb experiments into account. This
discussion focuses on the differentiation of not only the SM from NP,
but also between different NP models.
Flavour physics has a long track record of providing ground-breaking experimental results. There is a wealth of results based on recent LHC data, most notably from LHCb. In addition, measurements are still being published from the B factory experiments as well as from former and current charm threshold experiments.
The talk will review the latest set of anlyses as presented at the winter...
The measurements of b→sμ+μ− processes at LHCb and BELLE have revealed several tensions at the 2−3σ level. Combined fits to the available data suggest that these tensions might have their common origin in New Physics beyond the SM. In this talk I will discuss the impact of a generic class of models featuring new heavy scalars and fermions that couple to the SM fermions via Yukawa-like...
Z-mediated New Physics as seen from the point of view of Standard Model Effective Theory will be presented. The highlight is the generation of left-right operators
through renormalisation group effects involving Yukawa couplings. Model independent
analysis of K-meson and B-meson flavour physics will be presented. These methods
will be applied to a number of models with Vector-like quarks.
While one of the main motivations for the construction of the next collider facilities is the production of new particles, the debates around the relevant New Physics (NP) cases would be incomplete without low energy flavor studies. In this context, a rich pattern of deviations in B meson decays with respect to the Standard Model (SM) has brought much attention in recent years. Apart from the...
The semileptonic decays $B\to D^{(\ast)}\tau\nu$ have received lots of attention recently, due to an observed discrepancy between standard-model predictions and measurements. Experimentally, these processes are challenging due the fast decay of the tau lepton, which is indirectly observed through its decay products. From a theory perspective, the tau lepton is exactly what makes $B\to...
I will discuss the implications of the long-standing anomaly in semi-tauonic B meson decays on direct searches for new physics with ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC. Collider signatures at high energies correlated with the anomaly at low energies are identified. Several representative models put forward to explain the anomaly are examined in details: color-neutral vector triplet, 2HDM,...
A global Effective-Field-Theory analysis of $d(s)\to u\ell\nu$ transitions will be presented. The interplay of the various processes (kaon, pion, nuclear and baryon decays) will be discussed, along with the results of a combined fit.
The framework contains the usual SM analysis as a specific case, and it allows to understand the implications of any given SM test, such as the the well-known...
In this talk I review the various possibilities for explaining the current hints for the violation of lepton flavour universality in b->smumu, h->taumu, b->staunu and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.
A large part of the branching fraction of bottom hadrons is due to decays with more than a single hadron in the final state. I will discuss the theoretical methods to describe semi-leptonic decays with two final-state hadrons as well as non-leptonic B decays with more than two hadrons in the final state. In particular with respect to CP violation such decays may give us additional insights.
The measure epsilon' of direct CP violation in K → ππ decays disagrees with the Standard-Model prediction by 2.8 standard deviations. It is possible to explain this discrepancy with supersymmetric contributions involving squarks and gluinos in the multi-TeV range. I discuss the footprint of this scenario on the rare decays K+ → π+ ν ν̄ and KL → π0 ν ν̄.
The rare decay B→K∗(→Kπ)νν¯ is expected to play an important role in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model at the near future B-physics experiments. We investigate resonant and non-resonant backgrounds that arise beyond the narrow-width approximation for the K∗.
Very recently, LHCb has reported measurements of new lepton-universality-violating (LUV) observables. I will explain the need for a modified, lepton-flavour-specific C10 Wilson coefficient to accommodate the data and propose three further LUV ratios which are precise probes of the ratio
C10mu/C10e. I then will argue that although the global fit favours, in addition, a sizable BSM effect in...