The quark and lepton mass patterns upset their naive unification. In this talk, a new approach to solve this problem is presented. Model-independently, we show that a successful unification can be achieved. A mechanism is identified by which the large top quark mass renders its third-generation leptonic partner very light. This state is thus identified with the electron. We then discuss a...
We are considering possible UV completions of the scotogenic neutrino model which is a bottom-up attempt to explain both neutrino masses and dark matter with additional weak scalar triplet, charged scalar singlet and 3 generations of vector-like lepton doublets. Neutrino masses are generated radiatively at the one-loop level (variation of the Zee model) while the neutral triplet component can...
We investigate the Yukawa sector of $SO(10)$ Grand Unified Theories by
using the real representations $45$ and $210$ of $SO(10)$ to construct a class of effective non-renormalizable $SO(10)$ operators of the form $16\times 16\times 10\times 45^n \times 210^m$. The representations $45$ and $210$ acquire 2 and 3 independent VEV components, respectively. Assuming the overall VEVs of the $45$ and...
We shall briefly recapitulate the main sources of theoretical uncertainties plaguing proton decay calculations in classical GUTs and advocate a particular GUT scenario in which a reasonably robust proton lifetime estimate may be accessible.