6–10 Jul 2009
Europe/Zurich timezone
This is the third workshop of TEC-HQM, the Theory-Experiment-Collaboration on Hot Quark Matter (https://wiki.bnl.gov/TECHQM). It is a 5-day workshop which will focus on the comparison and critical assessment of different analytical approaches and different Monte Carlo implementations of jet quenching theory. It will also discuss the experimental strategies at RHIC and at the LHC to contrast jet quenching theory with data, and the need to interface jet quenching with a modeling of the full heavy ion collision e.g. within hydrodynamic models. Participation is free of charge. Participants who do not have CERN access rights are asked to register not only via this webform but also as short term visitors via http://ph-dep-th.web.cern.ch/ph-dep-th/content2/visitors/visitor_form.html, mentioning TECHQM.
TH Conference room