Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is one of the most advanced gas detector is being used in many high energy physics experiments. In future ALICE experiment will use GEM as a readout in Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector to cope up with high collision rate (upto 50 kHz) particle production in run3. In VECC, Kolkata a 10x10 $cm^{2}$ 4-GEM detector is assembled with a gas gap 4.8-2-2-2-2 mm. The GEM foils and other components are procured from CERN, Geneva. At first quality tests like gas leak and leakage current measurement of the GEM foils are performed. Basic characteristic study of the detector using Ar/CO$_{2}$ 70:30 gas mixture is going on using different radioactive source like $^{55}$Fe, $^{106}$Ru and Cosmic ray. Test results of 4-GEM detector and a comparative study with triple GEM will be presented in the conference.
Presentation type | Oral |