Scintillation detectors are widely used technique in detecting gamma rays through different fields in science and technology. Scintillation detectors are usually coupled with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) which generate electrical signals in response to light incident upon their faces. NaI(Tl) scintillation detector is simulated and the energy deposited by incoming gamma photons is obtained...
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is one of the most advanced gas detector, being used in many high energy physics experiments. In future experiments like ALICE (run3) and CBM will use GEM detector as a readout to cope up with high rate particle production. In VECC, Kolkata a 10x10 cm$^{2}$ triple GEM detector is tested with different Argon based gas mixtures (Ar/CO$_{2}$ 70:30 & 90:10)....
This paper presents the preliminary results of various configuration schemes for on-board and off board components for the new ALICE readout card.The new card, called CRU is a PCIe board based on the Altera Arria X FPGA, will configure itself as well as associated front end electronics board of most of the ALICE sub-detectors.The main aim of this paper is to explain different configuration...
The GEM is one of the Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) proposed to be used as a readout for ALICE TPC upgrade in LHC experiment, at CERN [1]. The existing Multiple Wire Proportial Chamber (MWPC) will be replaced by GEM based readout which provides intrinsic ion blocking capability without any gating grid system [2]. For R&D purpose we have assembled a 10cm × 10cm triple GEM detector in IOP...
We developed an ARM Cotex M-3 based 84MHz counter. This counter is having a programmable timer, which can be varied manually from a few seconds to a few hours. The designed counter presently is operating with LV TTL (0 –3.3 V) to count pulses and display in the LCD. The counter has two modes of operation, one is manual mode and other one is remote mode. In the manual mode, the scalar counts...
We have fabricated several plastic scintillator paddle detectors to build a cosmic ray trigger set up required for our R&D with particle detectors. The plastic scintillator material and photomultiplier tube are commercially procured. All other components such as Perspex light guide, coupler of light guide are made in proper dimension at Bose Institute workshop. Two such modules are built...
We have studied the variation of the gain of a triple GEM detector as a function of the relative humidity. The temperature/pressure (T/p) corrected normalized gain has been found to decrease with decrease in relative humidity. The uniformity of gain over the entire surface of the detector has also been studied measuring the anode current. The details of the measurement process and the...
A Photon Array for the Studies with Radioactive Ion and Stable beams (PARIS) is being developed for studying the high energy γ-rays from the decay of highly collective sates in atomic nuclei [1,2]. The array consists of ~ 200 phoswich element, each of which is made up of 2'' x 2'' x 2'' LaBr3(Ce) crystal coupled with 2'' x 2'' x 6'' NaI(Tl) crystal followed by single PMT readout [3]. The...