Understanding Short-Term Modulation of Cosmic Rays

24 Apr 2017, 11:45
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

Hyatt Arlington, Washington DC


Eric Christian (NASA/GSFC)


Short-term (few-day duration) modulations of the galactic cosmic ray intensity have been observed for many decades by ground-based instruments and spacecraft, and are associated with structures in the heliosphere, in particular, interplanetary coronal mass ejections (including magnetic clouds) and co-rotating interaction regions. For all of the observations, there is still no consensus on the physical cause(s) of these events which may include processes that involve changes in solar wind velocity, magnetic field strength, and turbulence. We will discuss how new data from PAMELA, which can measure modulation effects over a wide range in rigidity, may help resolve the relative importance of these various processes in CIR-associated modulations.

Primary authors

Alessandro Bruno (INFN & University of Bari, Italy) Dr Emiliano Mocchiutti (INFN Trieste) Eric Christian (NASA/GSFC) Georgia de Nolfo (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) Dr Ian Richardson (University of Maryland) James Ryan (Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, United States) Marco Ricci (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT)) Matteo Martucci (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) Matteo Merge (Department of Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, I-00133, Rome, Italy) Mirko Boezio (Universita e INFN (IT)) Riccardo Munini (INFN - Universita Studi Trieste) Steven Stochaj (Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States) Valeria Di Felice (INFN 'Rome Tor Vergata')

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