5–9 Jun 2017
Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague
Europe/Prague timezone

JUNO supernovae neutrino potential

5 Jun 2017, 17:45
Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague

Hotel Don Giovanni in Prague

Hotel Don Giovanni Prague **** Vinohradská 157a Prague Czech Republic map: 50°04'43.2"N 14°28'32.8"E
Poster Abstracts Poster session


Martin Dvorak (Charles University Prague)


Determination of neutrino mass hierarchy is the main purpose of Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO). JUNO is designed to determine neutrino mass hierarchy by a detailed examination of the spectrum of electron antineutrinos from nuclear reactors. The analysis of neutrino energy spectra emitted by a supernova represents another possible way to determine neutrino mass hierarchy because neutrino flavor conversions occurring inside the supernova are sensitive to neutrino mass hierarchy. The aim of this study is to explore the possibility of JUNO to distinguish between neutrino flavors coming in a supernova burst and measure their energy spectra. A set of observables and criteria is proposed that enable on the basis of measured neutrino energy spectra to distinguish between normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchy and to prove or disprove some supernova theoretical models.

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