Feb 15 – 17, 2017
UAB Casa de Convalescència
Europe/Madrid timezone

We are pleased to announce that the 4th Workshop of the series Accelerator Magnets in High Temperature Superconductors (WAMHTS-4), will be held on 15-17 February 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. During the workshop, a special common session is planned with the European FP7 project “EUROTAPES” that, like FP7-EuCARD-2, will end in spring 2017. WAMHTS-4 is organised by the EuCARD-2-WP10 (Future Magnets) collaboration, with the support of Prof. Xavier Obradors, Director of the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, CSIC, also Coordinator of EUROTAPES.

While WAMHTS-1 was dedicated to “Conductor”, WAMHTS-2 to “Coil Technology” and WAMHTS-3 to “Magnet Protection”, in this workshop we intend to review the main aspects of HTS accelerator magnets design, and discuss the results of EuCARD-2 and the experience of other communities which are active on HTS magnets: Fusion, High Field solenoids and Power applications. Future HTS programs for accelerators beyond EuCARD-2, will also be discussed. As usual, the workshop will be open to contributions from Industry.

Participation in this event is by invitation only. People not having received an invitation and who wish to participate can contact the member of the IOC of their region.

Lucio Rossi, WAMHTS-4 Chair


UAB Casa de Convalescència