11–14 May 2009
Orsay Monastery
Europe/Zurich timezone


Gas gain fluctuations

12 May 2009, 09:00
Claire (Orsay Monastery)


Orsay Monastery


Gas gain fluctuations impact resolution of a standard pad TPC, and efficiency for single electron detection by a digital TPC, as well as energy resolution for x-rays. The speakers review basic issues on these fluctuations, as well as recent MC-data comparisons and recent data from the TimePix-InGrid detector.

Presentation materials

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Keisuke Fujii (KEK)
12/05/2009, 09:00
Heinrich Schindler (CERN)
12/05/2009, 09:45
Max Chefdeville
12/05/2009, 10:45
Building timetable...