Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–16 Mar 2017
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

Transverse momentum spectra of gauge bosons

15 Mar 2017, 16:00
McGregor Memorial Conference Center

McGregor Memorial Conference Center


Dr Varun Vaidya (Los Alamos National Lab)


We study the transverse momentum spectra of gauge bosons ( Z, $\gamma^*$, Higgs) in PP collisions in the regime of low transverse momentum. We develop a scheme of resummation allowing us to choose the factorization scale for virtuality in momentum space which is then applied to obtain the transverse momentum spectra for the Drell-Yan and Higgs at NNLL accuracy. All the schemes of resummation developed so far in literature implement the resummation numerically. Using our scheme, we obtain for the first time, an analytic formula for these resummed cross sections at each order of resummation. Finally, a comparison with other resummation schemes is presented along with a discussion of possible non-perturbative effects.

Primary author

Dr Varun Vaidya (Los Alamos National Lab)


Dr Daekyoung Kang (Los Alamos Nationa Lab) Dr Christopher Lee (Los Alamos National Lab)

Presentation materials