Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

SCET 2017

from Tuesday 14 March 2017 (07:00) to Thursday 16 March 2017 (20:00)
Wayne State University

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
14 Mar 2017
15 Mar 2017
16 Mar 2017
08:00 --- Breakfast ---
Welcome (until 09:00) ()
08:50 Welcome - Gil Paz (Wayne State University)   ()
Session 1 - Gil Paz (Wayne State University) (until 10:20) ()
09:00 Factorization for Jet Substructure - Andrew Larkoski   ()
09:40 Inclusive small radius jets and their substructure - Felix Ringer (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   ()
10:20 --- Coffee ---
Session 2 - Sonny Mantry (University of North Georgia) (until 12:10) ()
10:50 Fragmentation to a jet with small radius and in the large $z$ limit - Lin Dai (University of Pittsburgh)   ()
11:30 Probing Quarkonium Production in Jets using Effective Field Theories - Reggie Bain   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast ---
Session 5 - Frank Tackmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 10:20) ()
09:00 Jet axes and universal TMD fragmentation - Wouter Waalewijn (University of Amsterdam)   ()
09:40 Features of spin dependent transverse momentum distributions: the Helicity and Transversity case - Daniel Gutiérrez Reyes (Complutense University of Madrid)   ()
10:20 --- Coffee ---
Session 6 - Christopher Lee (LANL) (until 12:10) ()
10:50 PDF's at very high energies: effects of electroweak radiation - Christian Bauer (CERN / LBNL)   ()
11:30 Automated computations for SCET soft functions in the presence of clustering effects - Rudi Rahn (Bern University)   ()
08:00 --- Breakfast ---
Session 9 - Gil Paz (Wayne State University) (until 10:20) ()
09:00 Subleading Factorization in SCET: Hard Scattering Operators and Radiative Functions - Gherardo Vita (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
09:40 Subleading Power Corrections for N-Jettiness Subtractions - Ian Moult   ()
10:20 --- Coffee ---
Session 10 - Alexey Petrov (Wayne State University) (until 13:30) ()
10:50 Non-global Logarithms and the Limits of Fixed Order Pertubation Theory - Duff Neill (LANL)   ()
11:30 SCET-based Factorization and Resummation for Jet Processes - Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz)   ()
12:10 Factorization for the light-jet mass and hemisphere soft function - Thomas Becher (University of Bern)   ()
12:50 SCET and radiative corrections for lepton-nucleon scattering - Richard Hill (Perimeter Institute)   ()
12:10 --- Lunch ---
Session 3 - Adam Leibovich (University of Pittsburgh) (until 15:30) ()
14:10 Precision Top Mass Determination at the LHC with Jet Grooming - Aditya Pathak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
14:50 Monte Carlo Top Quark Mass Calibrations: Update - Moritz Preisser (University of Vienna)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 4 - Abhijit Majumder (Wayne state university) (until 17:20) ()
16:00 Manifestly Soft Gauge Invariant Formulation of vNRQCD - Prashant Shrivastava (Carnegie Mellon University)   ()
16:40 Fermi Liquids as SCET like EFT's - Prof. Ira Rothstein (CMU)   ()
17:20 --- Reception ---
12:10 --- Lunch ---
Session 7 - Jorn Henning Putschke (Wayne State University (US)) (until 15:30) ()
14:10 Application of SCET with Glauber gluons to heavy ion observables at NLO - Ivan Vitev   ()
14:50 Splitting functions and jet mass distributions in heavy ion collisions - Dr Yang-Ting Chien (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
Session 8 - Iain Stewart (MIT) (until 18:00) ()
16:00 Transverse momentum spectra of gauge bosons - Dr Varun Vaidya (Los Alamos National Lab)   ()
16:40 Joint transverse momentum and threshold resummation beyond NLL - Mr Gillian Lustermans (University of Amsterdam/Nikhef)   ()
17:20 Resummation of Double-Differential Cross Sections: Jet Vetoes and Forward Rapidities - Johannes Michel (DESY / WWU Muenster)   ()
18:00 --- Banquet ---