14–16 Mar 2017
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

Automated computations for SCET soft functions in the presence of clustering effects

15 Mar 2017, 11:30
McGregor Memorial Conference Center

McGregor Memorial Conference Center


Rudi Rahn (Bern University)


We will present the final pieces for our automated strategy to evaluate
generic dijet soft functions at 2-loop order: the Cf^2 colour structure,
enabling us to compute observables breaking non-abelian exponentiation. In
the process, we will highlight the problems unique to this colour
structure, give results for a few sample observables and show explicit
analytic formulae for NNLL resummation ingredients for both SCET1 and
SCET2 observables.


Prof. Guido Bell (Universität Siegen) Rudi Rahn (Bern University) Jim Talbert (DESY)

Presentation materials