14–16 Mar 2017
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

Precision Top Mass Determination at the LHC with Jet Grooming

14 Mar 2017, 14:10
McGregor Memorial Conference Center

McGregor Memorial Conference Center


Aditya Pathak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


We show how the top mass can be extracted kinematically using cross sections for event shapes observables calculated using effective field theory methods. With the help of Soft Drop grooming done at a level that does not disturb the radiation that can modify the top mass definition, while still isolating the top jet, we obtain a distribution that is only mildly sensitive to the underlying event and initial state radiation. The data from LHC for top jets can thus be made to look very similar to e+e- collisions, and we compare Pythia results with those from our effective theory predictions.


Andre Hoang (University of Vienna) Iain Stewart (MIT) Sonny Mantry (University of North Georgia) Aditya Pathak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

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