Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

14–16 Mar 2017
Wayne State University
US/Eastern timezone

SCET-based Factorization and Resummation for Jet Processes

16 Mar 2017, 11:30
McGregor Memorial Conference Center

McGregor Memorial Conference Center


Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz)


From a detailed analysis of cone-jet cross sections in effective field theory, we obtain novel factorization theorems which separate the physics associated with different energy scales present in such processes. The relevant low-energy physics is encoded in Wilson lines along the directions of the energetic particles inside the jets. This multi-Wilson-line structure is present even for narrow-cone jets due to the relevance of small-angle soft radiation. We discuss the renormalization-group equations satisfied by these operators. Their solution resums all logarithmically enhanced contributions to such processes, including non-global logarithms. Such logarithms arise in many observables, in particular whenever hard phase-space constraints are imposed, and are not captured with standard resummation techniques. Our formalism provides the basis for higher-order logarithmic resummations of jet and other non-global observables.

Primary author

Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz)

Presentation materials