Session 8
- Iain Stewart (MIT)
We study the transverse momentum spectra of gauge bosons ( Z, $\gamma^*$, Higgs) in PP collisions in the regime of low transverse momentum. We develop a scheme of resummation allowing us to choose the factorization scale for virtuality in momentum space which is then applied to obtain the transverse momentum spectra for the Drell-Yan and Higgs at NNLL accuracy. All the schemes of resummation...
In the study of heavy color-singlet production one often encounters large logarithms involving the threshold parameter in the partonic cross-section which need to be resummed. Considering the transverse momentum distributions of such processes leads to additional large logarithms involving pT. In this talk a method of doing the simultaneous resummation of both types of logarithms directly in...
We present a framework for resumming logarithms of the jet veto $\ln p_T^\text{cut}/Q$
in color-singlet production at forward rapidities,
where approaching the "lopsided threshold" $Y \to Y_\text{max}$ imposes additional constraints on the modes present in the usual $p_T^\text{jet}$ factorization.
We discuss the relevant regimes and factorization theorems
and show how to consistently...