13–15 Feb 2017
Europe/London timezone

Contribution List

53 / 53
Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
13/02/2017, 09:00
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
13/02/2017, 09:15
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
13/02/2017, 09:30
tianhuan luo (LBNL)
13/02/2017, 09:45
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
13/02/2017, 10:00
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
13/02/2017, 10:15
Jason Stuart Tarrant (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
13/02/2017, 11:00
Francois Elie Rene Drielsma (Universite de Geneve (CH))
13/02/2017, 11:20
Tanaz Angelina Mohayai (Illinois Institute of Technology)
13/02/2017, 11:40
Mr Yingpeng Song, yingpeng song
13/02/2017, 12:00
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
13/02/2017, 12:00
Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))
13/02/2017, 14:00
Paolo Franchini (Warwick University - MICE)
13/02/2017, 14:20
Chris Rogers (STFC)
13/02/2017, 14:45
Paul Kyberd (Departm.of Physics(QMW-Coll.))
13/02/2017, 16:00
Scott Wilbur (University of California Davis (US))
13/02/2017, 16:20
Jan Greis, Melissa Uchida (Imperial College London)
13/02/2017, 16:40
Dimitrije Maletic
13/02/2017, 17:00
Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
13/02/2017, 17:20
13/02/2017, 17:40
Victoria Bayliss (STFC)
14/02/2017, 09:00
Josef Boehm (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
14/02/2017, 09:15
Edward Overton (The University of Sheffield)
14/02/2017, 09:30
Henry Nebrensky (Brunel University)
14/02/2017, 09:45
Victoria Blackmore (Imperial College London)
14/02/2017, 11:00
Chris Rogers (STFC)
14/02/2017, 11:30
Tanaz Angelina Mohayai (Illinois Institute of Technology)
14/02/2017, 11:50
14/02/2017, 12:10
Paul Soler Jermyn (University of Glasgow (GB)), Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)
14/02/2017, 13:30
Scott Wilbur (University of California Davis (US))
14/02/2017, 14:00
David Neuffer, Pavel Snopok (IIT/Fermilab)
14/02/2017, 14:20
14/02/2017, 14:40
Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
14/02/2017, 15:30
Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
14/02/2017, 15:55
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
14/02/2017, 16:20
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
14/02/2017, 16:45
Ao Liu (Fermilab)
15/02/2017, 09:00
Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London)
15/02/2017, 09:20
Ajit Kurup
15/02/2017, 09:40
15/02/2017, 10:00
colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
15/02/2017, 11:30
Chris Booth (University of Sheffield (GB))
15/02/2017, 11:50
Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))
15/02/2017, 12:10