Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!




CR 12 and 13 Building R68

The 47th Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) Collaboration Meeting will be held at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford Campus, Oxfordshire from 13 to 15 February 2017 inclusive

Registration £45.00                                                    Collaboration Dinner £35.00


Please ensure that you also register your visit on the ISIS Database 


MICE Collaboration Meeting #47
  • Adam Dobbs
  • Ajit Kurup
  • Alan Bross
  • Ao Liu
  • Chris Booth
  • Chris Rogers
  • Christopher Hunt
  • colin whyte
  • Daniel Bowring
  • Daniel Kaplan
  • David Neuffer
  • Dimitrije Maletic
  • Durga Rajaram
  • Edward Overton
  • Henry Nebrensky
  • Jan Greis
  • Jingyu Tang
  • Joe Langlands
  • John Cobb
  • Kenneth Richard Long
  • Ludovico Tortora
  • Mark Tucker
  • Maurizio Bonesini
  • Melissa Uchida
  • Milorad Popovic
  • Misha Fedorov
  • Moses Chung
  • Paolo Franchini
  • Paul Kyberd
  • Paul Soler
  • Raymond Gamet
  • Scott Wilbur
  • Tanaz Mohayai
  • Tianhuan Luo
  • Timothy Stanley
  • Victoria Bayliss
  • Victoria Blackmore
  • Yingpeng Song
    • Analysis, software and computing
      Conveners: Chris Rogers (STFC), Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
      • 1
        Run plan discussion
    • Upgrade to demo
      Conveners: Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London), Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 2
        Simulations of the Upgrade
        Speaker: Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
      • 3
        RF Drive System status
        Speaker: Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
      • 4
        Muon Timing
        Speaker: Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
      • 5
        Cavity Preparations
        Speaker: tianhuan luo (LBNL)
      • 6
        Project Plan/Schedule
        Speaker: colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 7
        Discussion on proposed upgrade
        Speakers: Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Coffee
    • Analysis, software and computing
      Convener: Chris Rogers (STFC)
    • Construction, commissioning and operations: Maintenance, construction and operations

      Thursday Morning 0900-1030

      Conveners: Steven Boyd (University of Warwick), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • 13:00
    • Plenary: Welcome and introduction
      Convener: Alan Bross (Fermilab)
    • 15:30
    • Plenary: Operations, software and detector performance
      Conveners: Chris Rogers (STFC), Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago), Steven Boyd (University of Warwick)
    • Plenary: Step IV: component status and maintenance
      Convener: colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Coffee
    • Plenary: Analysis
      Convener: Chris Rogers (RAL)
    • Lunch
    • Plenary: Analysis, software and computing
      Conveners: Chris Rogers (STFC), Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
      • 36
        Scattering (field off)
        Speakers: Paul Soler Jermyn (University of Glasgow (GB)), Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)
      • 37
        Material physics (field on)
        Speaker: Scott Wilbur (University of California Davis (US))
      • 38
        Wedge absorber
        Speakers: David Neuffer, Pavel Snopok (IIT/Fermilab)
      • 39
    • Coffee
    • Plenary: Upgrade to demo
      Conveners: Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London), colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 40
        Upgrade to Demo: design, simulations and tracker reconfigurations
        Speaker: Christopher Hunt (Imperial College)
      • 41
        RF cavities/RF power/muon timing
        Speaker: Kevin Ronald (University of Strathclyde)
      • 42
        Mechanical design, schedule and cost
        Speaker: colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
      • 43
        Speaker: colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
    • Collaboration Board
      Convener: Chris Booth (University of Sheffield (GB))
    • Collaboration Dinner
      Convener: Debbie Loader (STFC)
    • Plenary: S/w&C and analysis
      Conveners: Chris Rogers (STFC), Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
    • Coffee
    • Plenary: Summary and closing
      Convener: Alan Bross (Fermilab)
    • Lunch
    • Executive Board
      Convener: Kenneth Richard Long (Imperial College (GB))