Plenary: Welcome and introduction
- Alan Bross (Fermilab)
Plenary: Operations, software and detector performance
- Steven Boyd (University of Warwick)
- Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
- Chris Rogers (STFC)
Plenary: Step IV: component status and maintenance
- colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Plenary: Analysis
- Chris Rogers (RAL)
Plenary: Analysis, software and computing
- Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
- Chris Rogers (STFC)
Plenary: Upgrade to demo
- Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College, London)
- colin whyte (University of Strathclyde)
Plenary: S/w&C and analysis
- Chris Rogers (STFC)
- Durga Rajaram (IIT, Chicago)
Plenary: Summary and closing
- Alan Bross (Fermilab)
Paul Kyberd
(Departm.of Physics(QMW-Coll.))
13/02/2017, 16:00
Josef Boehm
(Science and Technology Facilities Council)
14/02/2017, 09:15
Paul Soler Jermyn
(University of Glasgow (GB)),
Ryan Bayes
(University of Glasgow)
14/02/2017, 13:30
Scott Wilbur
(University of California Davis (US))
14/02/2017, 14:00
Christopher Hunt
(Imperial College)
14/02/2017, 15:30
colin whyte
(University of Strathclyde)
15/02/2017, 11:30