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USAG meeting Theme: Strategy for a solid GGUS structure after EGEE

28-R-006 (CERN)



User Support Advisory Group (USAG) meeting This group is, in EGEE III, the successor of the EGEE II Executive Support Committe (ESC).

Information twiki

Dial-in numbers: +41227676000 (English, Main)
Access codes: 0182801 (Leader)
0192774 (Participant)
Leader site:
Participant site:

  1. Agenda approval
  2. Comments on minutes from the April 30th USAG meeting [here].
  3. User Support strategy issues, news since last USAG:
    1. Clarifications by Jan and Ales on the paper on new software process. [ Also linked below under More Information].
    2. All-Hands' meeting presentation on User Support in Cyprus early May.
    3. Possible TPM models for evaluation.
    This is the 3rd of a series of USAG meetings where we are called to shape the User Support strategy in the last year of EGEE and in view of EGI.
    The first draft of a Strategy note v0.4-2 is appended as Document.

    EGI Blueprint v.3 (Dec 2008) for quick reference during these meetings.

  4. Continuous user support assessment as required by MSA-1.6 via the weekly escalation reports This time: emphasis on EMT reports.
  5. Review Action List [go to point 6 of these notes.]
  6. A.O.B.
    1. Draw conclusions from the 18 messages' email thread that followed the publishing of the April 2nd USAG minutes Distilled summary . It was attached as 'Text' to the last meeting agenda but was decided to be left for today.
    2. Interfaces between GGUS and Regional helpdesks in EGI [Relevant documentation index]
    3. For the Italian ROC: Your web services plans are needed in savannah #101443.
    4. For All: Renaming 'less urgent' tickets is not simple. What do people think? Details in savannah #107886.
    5. For All: Maintaining parent/child and master/slave relationship on ticket re-opening is not simple. Polling people's experience to refine the requirement. Details in savannah #107339.
    6. For France, SEE, dCache, APROC interface developers: Required feedback to avoid misrouted tickets. Details in savannah #107976.
    7. Reminder: For VO Admins of the LHC Experiment VOs VOMS instructions on how to register your TEAMers and ALARMers. To be done before the next USAG. (Pending answer from ALICE preferably in savannah #104835 please).
  7. Next meeting date: Thu 25 June 2009 @ 9:30 CET ! (Algorithm: Last Thursday of the month)
Last Update: 2009-05-27 by M.Dimou
more information
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