3:52 PM
Development of a hemispherical RMC (H-RMC) system for imaging spatial distribution of radiation sources
Minho Na
(Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
3:53 PM
Progress on 3D integration technology for Medipix3RX chip
Milija Sarajlic
3:54 PM
Characterising the High Energy Response of Timepix Detectors
Stuart George
(University of Houston)
3:56 PM
Development of Near-UV Silicon Photomultipliers at National Nanofab Center for PET/MR Application
Kyung Taek Lim
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
3:57 PM
Diamond Membranes as Position Sensitive X-ray Detector
Kewin Desjardins
(Synchrotron SOLEIL)
3:58 PM
Radiation hardness study of semi-insulating GaAs detectors against 5 MeV electrons
Andrea Sagatova
(Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)
3:59 PM
Compact 3D core-shell diode array for high performance particle detector & imaging sensor applications
Guobin Jia
(Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology)
4:00 PM
Surface damage characterization of FBK devices for High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) operations
Arianna Morozzi
(University of Perugia)
4:01 PM
Dynamical and Steady State Photo-Hall Effect Deep Level Spectroscopy in High Resistive p-(CdMn)Te
Artem Musiienko
(Charles Univeristy)
4:02 PM
Two-stage Polymeric Surface Passivation of (CdZn)Te Crystals
Igor Vasylchenko
(Charles Univeristy)
4:03 PM
Simulations of depleted CMOS sensors for high-radiation environments
Jian Liu
(Shandong University)
4:04 PM
First tests of Timepix detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs matrix of different pixel size
David Kubanda
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
4:05 PM
Imaging performance of Timepix detector based on semi-insulating GaAs
Bohumir Zatko
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
4:06 PM
Evaluation of Timepix detectors with thick CdTe sensors for gamma-camera applications
Simon Procz
(FMF Freiburg Materials Research Center)
4:08 PM
Photo-Hall Effect Spectroscopy in High-Resistivity Cd(Zn)Te Single Crystals
Pavel Moravec
(Charles University)
4:09 PM
Photodiode area effect on X-ray CMOS APS Performance
Giyoon Kim
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
4:10 PM
Development of Avalanche Photodiode Array based on SOI Technology
Ryutaro Hamasaki
4:11 PM
Space charge generation in CdZnTe radiation detectors characterized by Laser-induced Transient Current Technique
Jindrich Pipek
(Charles University)
4:12 PM
GaAs:Cr X-ray sensors noise characteristics investigation by means of amplitude spectrum analysis
Anastasiya Lozinskaya
(Tomsk State University)
4:13 PM
Influence of formation conditions of Pt Schottky barriers on the energy resolution of particle detectors based on VPE GaAs
Ekaterina Trifonova
(National University of Science and Technology MISIS)
4:14 PM
Self-biased fast neutron detector based on VPE GaAs surface-barrier sensor with polyethylene converter
Fedor Baryshnikov
(National University of Science and Technology MISIS )
4:15 PM
Development of Stable and sensitivity Semiconductor Detector for NDT Radiation Dose Energy Detection Based on the Mixture material of PbI2 and PbO
Ye Ji Heo
(Inje University)
4:16 PM
Investigation of Gd and B4C neutron converters on Timepix3 detector
David Krapohl
(Mid Sweden University)
4:17 PM
Avalanche photodiodes based on GaAs/AlGaAs - the detectors for 4th generation light sources
Tereza Steinhartova
(Universita degli studi di Trieste)
4:18 PM
Operation of 100 micron thick GEM in Krypton-CO2 mixtures
Fernando Amaro
(University of Coimbra)
4:19 PM
The stand-alone computation engine for the GEM detector based acquisition system for the WEST tokamak - the architecture and preliminary tests
Rafal Krawczyk
(Warsaw University of Technology)
4:20 PM
Development of the Electronic Personal Dosimeter System based on CsI(Tl) and Si PIN detector
Kyeongjin Park
(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
4:21 PM
The new MYTHEN-III detector prototype
Marie Andrae
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:22 PM
Ultra low noise STSCL logic standard cell library for nuclear detector front end readout ASICs
Gordon Neue
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
4:23 PM
Hybrid Pixel Detector for XRD and EDXRF
Einar Nygard
4:24 PM
Fast reset of the silicon microstrip and gas electron multiplier readout chain in the presence of leakage current
Weronika Zubrzycka
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:25 PM
High speed measurements system for time-resolved spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation
Anna Koziol
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:26 PM
Three Radiation Resistant Techniques against Single Event Effect for SAR-ADC Design
Yongseok Lee
(Korea University)
4:27 PM
A fully depleted CMOS pixel sensors for soft X-rays detection at synchrotron light source
Maciej Kachel
(Universite de Strasbourg)
4:28 PM
Gotthard-II: A 4.5 MHz Silicon Microstrip Detector for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
Jiaguo Zhang
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:29 PM
Compact and portable X-ray imager system using Medipix3RX
Tomas Bartolome Garcia-Nathan
(The University of Manchester )
4:30 PM
CSA-ADC Front-End ASIC for CPG Radiation Detector
Yongseok Lee
(Korea University)
4:31 PM
Characterization of pixel sensor designed in 180 nm SOI CMOS technology
Tomas Benka
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
4:32 PM
Design of an Analog Pixel’s Front-End Active Feedback for VIPIC-Large Detector
Pawel Grybos
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:33 PM
Measurement of crosstalk in pixels for the Medipix 3
Goran Thungstrom
(Mid Sweden University)
4:34 PM
Digital hit allocation algorithm for charge sharing compensation in semiconductor pixel detectors
Piotr Otfinowski
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:35 PM
Analytical Expressions for Noise and Crosstalk Voltages of the High Energy Silicon Particle Detector
Indu Yadav
(Indian Institute of Technology Mandi)
4:36 PM
Design of a Charge Sensitive Amplifier for Silicon Particle Detection in BCD 180 nm Technology
Indu Yadav
(Indian Institute of Technology Mandi)