19th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors
AGH University of Science and Technology
The International Workshops on Radiation Imaging Detectors are held yearly and provide an international forum for discussing current research and developments in the area of position sensitive detectors for radiation imaging, including semiconductor detectors, gas and scintillator-based detectors. Topics include processing and characterization of detector materials, hybridization and interconnect technologies, design of front-end electronics, readout and data acquisition systems, and applications in various scientific and industrial fields.
The workshop will have plenary sessions with invited and contributed papers presented orally and poster sessions. The invited talks will be chosen to review recent advances In different areas covered in the workshop. The focus of the workshop will be research and development In the following topics:
Sensor Materials, Device Processing and Technologies
- Si, a-Si, Ge, GaAs, CdTe and other semiconductors
- CVD Diamond detectors
- Scintillators
- Gaseous detectors
- Quantum devices
- Processing, Characterization, Reliability & Radiation damage
Front-end Electronics and Readout
- Monolithic and hybrid systems
- Spectroscopic systems
- Charge integrating and counting systems
- 3D ASICs and 3D interconnections
- Data compression, transfer and storage
Imaging Theory
- Imaging with ionizing radiation
- Complementary imaging techniques
- Fluorescence mapping and tomography
- 3D- reconstruction with limited data sets
- Low radiation dose approaches
- Material & life science
- Multi wavelength techniques
- Element mapping in 2D / 3D
- High resolution imaging
- Sub nanosecond imaging
- TOF and particle tracking
- High energy physics
- High power lasers
- Applications at X-ray free electron lasers
- Electron microscopy
- Neutron imaging
- Security systems and other Industrial applications
- Astronomical and space applications
- Nuclear physics
- Fusion research
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
Social Event: Welcome reception Other Institutes
Other Institutes
Franciscan Monastery Wszystkich Swietych Sq. 5 31-004 Krakow
2:00 PM
5:00 PM
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Opening and WelcomeConvener: Wladysław Dabrowski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Front-end and ReadoutConvener: Seppo Nenonen (Oxford Instruments Technologies Oy)
9:00 AM
Development of a monolithic pixel detector with SOI technology for the ILC vertex detector 20mSpeaker: Miho Yamada (KEK)
9:20 AM
Development and Evaluation of an Event-driven SOI Pixel Detector for an X-ray Astronomy 20mSpeaker: Ayaki Takeda (University of Miyazaki)
9:40 AM
MAPS sensor for radiation imaging designed in 180 nm SOI CMOS technology 20mSpeaker: Miroslav Havranek (Czech Technical University in Prague)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
InvitedConvener: Seppo Nenonen (Oxford Instruments Technologies Oy)
10:00 AM
Challenges and solutions in X-ray detector design for laboratory based instrumentation 30mSpeaker: Ekkehard Gerndt (Bruker AXS GmbH)
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee break 30m
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
ApplicationsConvener: Bernd Schmitt (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11:00 AM
Sealed MPGDs for X-ray Imaging Applications 20mSpeaker: Lara Carramate (University of Aveiro)
11:20 AM
Energy dispersive imaging with MÖNCH 20mSpeaker: Marco Ramilli (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11:40 AM
Precision Scan-Imaging for Paperboard Quality Inspection utilizing X-ray Fluorescence 20mSpeaker: Börje Norlin (Mid Sweden University)
12:00 PM
Pushing the Limits of Position Resolution with pnCCDs 20mSpeaker: Peter Holl (PNSensor GmbH)
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch 1h 20m
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
ApplicationsConvener: Val O'Shea (University of Glasgow)
2:00 PM
Design of the new ATLAS Inner Tracker for the High Luminosity LHC era 20mSpeaker: Trevor Vickey (Sheffield University)
2:20 PM
Module and electronics developments for the ATLAS ITK pixel system 20mSpeaker: Francisca Munoz Sanchez (University of Manchester)
2:40 PM
Performance of the modules for the CMS phase I pixel detector upgrade 20mSpeaker: Maren Tabea Meinhard (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich)
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
3:20 PM
Imaging TheoryConvener: Val O'Shea (University of Glasgow)
3:00 PM
Detector requirements for single mask edge illumination X-ray phase contrast imaging applications 20mSpeaker: Gibril Kallon (University College London)
3:00 PM
3:20 PM
3:50 PM
Coffee break 30m
3:50 PM
5:20 PM
Poster Session IConvener: Tomasz Fiutowski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
3:52 PM
Development of a hemispherical RMC (H-RMC) system for imaging spatial distribution of radiation sources 1mSpeaker: Minho Na (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
3:53 PM
Progress on 3D integration technology for Medipix3RX chip 1mSpeaker: Milija Sarajlic (DESY)
3:54 PM
Characterising the High Energy Response of Timepix Detectors 1mSpeaker: Stuart George (University of Houston)
3:56 PM
Development of Near-UV Silicon Photomultipliers at National Nanofab Center for PET/MR Application 1mSpeaker: Kyung Taek Lim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
3:57 PM
Diamond Membranes as Position Sensitive X-ray Detector 1mSpeaker: Kewin Desjardins (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
3:58 PM
Radiation hardness study of semi-insulating GaAs detectors against 5 MeV electrons 1mSpeaker: Andrea Sagatova (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)
3:59 PM
Compact 3D core-shell diode array for high performance particle detector & imaging sensor applications 1mSpeaker: Guobin Jia (Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology)
4:00 PM
Surface damage characterization of FBK devices for High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) operations 1mSpeaker: Arianna Morozzi (University of Perugia)
4:01 PM
Dynamical and Steady State Photo-Hall Effect Deep Level Spectroscopy in High Resistive p-(CdMn)Te 1mSpeaker: Artem Musiienko (Charles Univeristy)
4:02 PM
Two-stage Polymeric Surface Passivation of (CdZn)Te Crystals 1mSpeaker: Igor Vasylchenko (Charles Univeristy)
4:03 PM
Simulations of depleted CMOS sensors for high-radiation environments 1mSpeaker: Jian Liu (Shandong University)
4:04 PM
First tests of Timepix detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs matrix of different pixel size 1mSpeaker: David Kubanda (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
4:05 PM
Imaging performance of Timepix detector based on semi-insulating GaAs 1mSpeaker: Bohumir Zatko (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Slovak Academy of Sciences)
4:06 PM
Evaluation of Timepix detectors with thick CdTe sensors for gamma-camera applications 1mSpeaker: Simon Procz (FMF Freiburg Materials Research Center)
4:08 PM
Photo-Hall Effect Spectroscopy in High-Resistivity Cd(Zn)Te Single Crystals 1mSpeaker: Pavel Moravec (Charles University)
4:09 PM
Photodiode area effect on X-ray CMOS APS Performance 1mSpeaker: Giyoon Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
4:10 PM
Development of Avalanche Photodiode Array based on SOI Technology 1mSpeaker: Ryutaro Hamasaki (SOKENDAI)
4:11 PM
Space charge generation in CdZnTe radiation detectors characterized by Laser-induced Transient Current Technique 1mSpeaker: Jindrich Pipek (Charles University)
4:12 PM
GaAs:Cr X-ray sensors noise characteristics investigation by means of amplitude spectrum analysis 1mSpeaker: Anastasiya Lozinskaya (Tomsk State University)
4:13 PM
Influence of formation conditions of Pt Schottky barriers on the energy resolution of particle detectors based on VPE GaAs 1mSpeaker: Ekaterina Trifonova (National University of Science and Technology MISIS)
4:14 PM
Self-biased fast neutron detector based on VPE GaAs surface-barrier sensor with polyethylene converter 1mSpeaker: Fedor Baryshnikov (National University of Science and Technology MISIS )
4:15 PM
Development of Stable and sensitivity Semiconductor Detector for NDT Radiation Dose Energy Detection Based on the Mixture material of PbI2 and PbO 1mSpeaker: Ye Ji Heo (Inje University)
4:16 PM
Investigation of Gd and B4C neutron converters on Timepix3 detector 1mSpeaker: David Krapohl (Mid Sweden University)
4:17 PM
Avalanche photodiodes based on GaAs/AlGaAs - the detectors for 4th generation light sources 1mSpeaker: Tereza Steinhartova (Universita degli studi di Trieste)
4:18 PM
Operation of 100 micron thick GEM in Krypton-CO2 mixtures 1mSpeaker: Fernando Amaro (University of Coimbra)
4:19 PM
The stand-alone computation engine for the GEM detector based acquisition system for the WEST tokamak - the architecture and preliminary tests 1mSpeaker: Rafal Krawczyk (Warsaw University of Technology)
4:20 PM
Development of the Electronic Personal Dosimeter System based on CsI(Tl) and Si PIN detector 1mSpeaker: Kyeongjin Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
4:21 PM
The new MYTHEN-III detector prototype 1mSpeaker: Marie Andrae (Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:22 PM
Ultra low noise STSCL logic standard cell library for nuclear detector front end readout ASICs 1mSpeaker: Gordon Neue (Czech Technical University in Prague)
- 4:23 PM
4:24 PM
Fast reset of the silicon microstrip and gas electron multiplier readout chain in the presence of leakage current 1mSpeaker: Weronika Zubrzycka (AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:25 PM
High speed measurements system for time-resolved spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation 1mSpeaker: Anna Koziol (AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:26 PM
Three Radiation Resistant Techniques against Single Event Effect for SAR-ADC Design 1mSpeaker: Yongseok Lee (Korea University)
4:27 PM
A fully depleted CMOS pixel sensors for soft X-rays detection at synchrotron light source 1mSpeaker: Maciej Kachel (Universite de Strasbourg)
4:28 PM
Gotthard-II: A 4.5 MHz Silicon Microstrip Detector for the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser 1mSpeaker: Jiaguo Zhang (Paul Scherrer Institut)
4:29 PM
Compact and portable X-ray imager system using Medipix3RX 1mSpeaker: Tomas Bartolome Garcia-Nathan (The University of Manchester )
4:30 PM
CSA-ADC Front-End ASIC for CPG Radiation Detector 1mSpeaker: Yongseok Lee (Korea University)
4:31 PM
Characterization of pixel sensor designed in 180 nm SOI CMOS technology 1mSpeaker: Tomas Benka (Czech Technical University in Prague)
4:32 PM
Design of an Analog Pixel’s Front-End Active Feedback for VIPIC-Large Detector 1mSpeaker: Pawel Grybos (AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:33 PM
Measurement of crosstalk in pixels for the Medipix 3 1mSpeaker: Goran Thungstrom (Mid Sweden University)
4:34 PM
Digital hit allocation algorithm for charge sharing compensation in semiconductor pixel detectors 1mSpeaker: Piotr Otfinowski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
4:35 PM
Analytical Expressions for Noise and Crosstalk Voltages of the High Energy Silicon Particle Detector 1mSpeaker: Indu Yadav (Indian Institute of Technology Mandi)
4:36 PM
Design of a Charge Sensitive Amplifier for Silicon Particle Detection in BCD 180 nm Technology 1mSpeaker: Indu Yadav (Indian Institute of Technology Mandi)
3:52 PM
6:30 PM
10:00 PM
Social Event: Krakow Guided Tour Other Institutes
Other Institutes
Franciscan Monastery Wszystkich Swietych Sq. 5 31-004 Krakow
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Front-end and ReadoutConvener: Heinz Graafsma (DESY)
9:00 AM
3-D Integrated 2 cm × 2 cm, 65k Pixel X-ray Detection Module with Through-Silicon Vias 20mSpeaker: Krzysztof Kasinski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
9:20 AM
WidePIX 3D: Very Compact Silicon Tracker with High Spatial Resolution and very Wide Field-of-view of 164° 20mSpeaker: Jan Jakubek (Advacam s.r.o.)
9:40 AM
Particle Telescope with Timepix3 Pixel Detectors 20mSpeaker: Pavel Broulim (University of West Bohemia)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
InvitedConvener: Heinz Graafsma (DESY)
10:00 AM
Particle range monitoring and verification methods in hadrontherapy 30mSpeaker: Maria Giuseppina Bisogni (University and INFN Pisa)
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee break 30m
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
SensorsConvener: Renata Longo (University of Trieste)
11:00 AM
Efficient, fast 511-keV γ detection through Cherenkov radiation and ionization: the CaLIPSO detector for PET Imaging 20mSpeaker: Dominique Yvon (CEA Saclay)
11:20 AM
Development of the Fast and Efficient Gamma Detector Using Cherenkov Light for TOF-PET 20mSpeaker: Clotilde Canot (CEA Saclay)
11:40 AM
GaAs sensors with microstrip and pixelated detectors 20mSpeaker: Marie Ruat (Paul Scherrer Institut)
12:00 PM
Characterisation of GaAs:Cr pixel sensors coupled to TIMEPIX chips in view of synchrotron applications 20mSpeaker: Cyril Ponchut (ESRF - The European Synchrotron)
12:20 PM
Spectral performance, characterisation and simulation of 5 mm thick CZT detectors hybridised to a Timepix ASIC 20mSpeaker: Alexander Cherlin (Kromek Group Plc)
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch 1h 20m
2:00 PM
3:40 PM
ApplicationsConvener: Christer Fröjdh (Mid Sweden University)
2:00 PM
Performance of the UFXC32k photon counting detector for synchrotron radiation applications 20mSpeaker: Anna Koziol (AGH University of Science and Technology)
2:20 PM
Directional and position sensitive detection of energetic electrons with high-angular resolution and wide field-of-view WidePIX 3D Timepix telescope 20mSpeaker: Carlos Granja (Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academia of Science)
2:40 PM
DSSC for the European XFEL: first results on the 128 x 512 prototype system and roadmap to the megapixel camera 20mSpeaker: Matteo Porro (European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH)
3:00 PM
Status and outlook of the AGIPD detectors at the Eu- XFEL 20mSpeaker: Aschkan Allahgholi (DESY)
3:20 PM
The LHCb Vertex Locator Upgrade 20mSpeaker: Tomasz Szumlak (AGH University of Science and Technology)
2:00 PM
3:40 PM
4:10 PM
Coffee break 30m
4:10 PM
6:10 PM
ApplicationsConvener: Wasi Faruqi (MRC LMB)
4:10 PM
Development of a compact Compton camera for 3D image reconstruction of radioactive contaminations 20mSpeaker: Yuki Sato (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
4:30 PM
A Compton Camera for prompt gamma imaging during proton beam therapy for range and dose verification 20mSpeaker: Andrea Gutierrez (University College London)
4:50 PM
Characterization of a tracker for secondary fast and ultrafast neutrons: MONDO experiment 20mSpeaker: Giacomo Traini (Universita degli studi di Roma La Sapienza)
5:10 PM
The 3D CdZnTe drift strip detector developed at DTU Space 20mSpeaker: Irfan Kuvvetli (DTU Space, Technical University of Denmark )
5:30 PM
Neutron imaging and tomography with MCPs 20mSpeaker: Serge Duarte Pinto (Photonis)
5:50 PM
Applications of a pnCCD Detector Coupled to Columnar Structure CsI(Tl) Scintillator System in Ultra High Energy X-ray Laue Diffraction 20mSpeaker: Mohammad Shokr (University of Siegen)
4:10 PM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Front-end and ReadoutConvener: Joaquim dos Santos (University of Coimbra)
9:00 AM
Test results of the STS/MUCH-XYTER2, a self-triggered time and amplitude digitizing chip for Silicon Tracking System at CBM experiment 20mSpeaker: Krzysztof Kasinski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
9:20 AM
ARTROC – a readout ASIC for GEM-based full-field XRF imaging system 20mSpeaker: Tomasz Fiutowski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
9:40 AM
Development and Characterization of a 4x4 mm² Pixel Neutron Scintillation Detector using Digital SiPMs 20mSpeaker: Matthias Herzkamp (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
InvitedConvener: Joaquim dos Santos (University of Coimbra)
10:00 AM
The JUNGFRAU detector and its first applications at FELs and synchrotron light sources 30mSpeaker: Aldo Mozzanica (Paul Scherrer Institut)
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee break 30m
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
SensorsConvener: Ralf Menk (Elettra Sincrotrone)
11:00 AM
Nanoparticle aerosol as radiation detection medium in gaseous proportional counters: an alternative solution for neutron detection 20mSpeaker: Joaquim dos Santos (University of Coimbra)
11:20 AM
Characterisation of a neutron diffraction detector prototype based on the Trench-MWPC technology 20mSpeaker: Julien Marchal (Institut Laue Langevin)
11:40 AM
Electrical characterization of FBK small-pitch 3D sensors after γ-ray, neutron and proton irradiations 20mSpeaker: Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (TIFPA INFN)
12:00 PM
Comparison of Experimental Results of a Quad-CZT Array Detector and NaI(Tl), LaBr3(Ce), HM-5, HPGe for Nuclear Safeguards Applications 20mSpeaker: Sung-Woo Kwak (Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control)
12:20 PM
Silicon Pixel Sensor Processing on 8” High Resistivity Wafers 20mSpeaker: Juha Kalliopuska (Advacam Oy)
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch 1h 20m
2:00 PM
3:30 PM
Poster Session IIConvener: Bartosz Mindur (AGH University of Science and Technology)
2:00 PM
A compressed sensing X-ray camera with a multilayer architecture 1mSpeaker: Zhehui Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
2:02 PM
Quantitative evaluation method of the threshold adjustment performances of hybrid photon counting pixel detectors 1mSpeaker: Kadda Medjoubi (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
2:03 PM
Simulation of energy spectrum in GEM detector from an X-ray quantum 1mSpeaker: Karol Malinowski (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
2:04 PM
Image quality performances evaluation in ptychography imaging technique 1mSpeaker: Kadda Medjoubi (Synchrotron SOLEIL)
2:05 PM
Precise 3-D localization of double-photon emitting isotopes using advanced Compton imaging towards double photon emission CT (DPECT) 1mSpeaker: Yuri Yoshihara (The University of Tokyo)
2:06 PM
2D GEM based imaging detector R&D from perspective of high intensity soft X-ray radiation 1mSpeaker: Maryna Chernyshova (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion)
2:09 PM
A scintillator geometry suitable for very small PET geometries 1mSpeaker: Antonio Gonzalez (Institute for Instrumentation in Molecular Imaging, i3M)
2:10 PM
Highly improved operation of BGO-PET blocks 1mSpeaker: Andrea Gonzalez-Montoro (Institute for Instrumentation in Molecular Imaging, i3M)
2:11 PM
Material Identification with Energy-resolved CT 1mSpeaker: Ikuo Kanno (Kyoto University)
2:12 PM
Evaluation of a Compton Imager using 3D position-sensitive LYSO scintillator for the investigation of nuclear materials: A Monte Carlo simulation 1mSpeaker: Taewoong Lee (Health Science Research Center)
2:14 PM
Application of Timepix3 Based CdTe Spectral Sensitive Photon Counting Detector for PET Imaging of Small Animals 1mSpeaker: Daniel Turecek (Advacam s.r.o.)
2:16 PM
A study of energy classification using different pixel filtration in CMOS image sensor 1mSpeaker: Giyoon Kim (KAIST)
2:18 PM
Evaluation of Timepix3 based CdTe photon counting detector for fully spectroscopic small animal SPECT imaging 1mSpeaker: Eliska Trojanova (Advacam s.r.o.)
2:19 PM
First full dynamic range calibration of the JUNGFRAU photon detector 1mSpeaker: Sophie Redford (Paul Scherrer Institut)
2:20 PM
Photodetection characterisation of SiPM technologies for their application in scintillator based neutron detectors 1mSpeaker: Shashank Kumar (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
2:21 PM
On the double peak structure of avalanche photodiode response to monoenergetic x-rays at different temperatures and operation biasing 1mSpeaker: Cristina Monteiro (University of Coimbra)
2:22 PM
Design and Fabrication of CLYC-based Rotational Modulation Collimator (RMC) System for Gamma-Ray/Neutron Dual-Particle Imager 1mSpeaker: Hyun Suk Kim (Seoul National University)
2:23 PM
Strip detector for the ATLAS detector upgrade for the High-Luminosity LHC 1mSpeaker: Laurelle Veloce (University of Toronto)
2:24 PM
Neutron Monitors of Various Geometrical Design for Detection of Nuclear Smuggling in Cargo Container 1mSpeaker: Chang Hwy Lim (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering)
2:26 PM
Performance improvement of a filter-type “transXend” energy-resolving X-ray detector from the viewpoint of noise immunity 1mSpeaker: Tien-Hsiu Tsai (Kyoto University)
2:28 PM
A study on the characteristics of indirect organic photodetector using p-type polycarbazole copolymer for X-ray Imaging 1mSpeaker: Jungwon Kang (Dankook University)
2:29 PM
The new Level-1 Topological Trigger for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider 1mSpeaker: Pepijn Bakker (NIKHEF)
2:30 PM
A new unfolding method for energy-resolving transXend detector with K-edge filter 1mSpeaker: Takumi Hamaguchi (Kyoto University)
2:31 PM
Spatial energy-absorption distributions in a linear array of scintillators for megavoltage cargo-container inspection 1mSpeaker: Jiwoong Park (Pusan National University)
2:32 PM
Comparative study of analytical and iterative digital tomosynthesis reconstructions for thin slab objects 1mSpeaker: Jonghee Yun (Pusan National University)
2:33 PM
Digital x-ray tomosynthesis with interpolated projection data for thin slab objects 1mSpeaker: Seungwoo Ha (Pusan National University)
2:34 PM
Material identification CT using CdTe image sensor 1mSpeaker: Toru Aoki (Shizuoka University)
2:35 PM
Proton Therapy treatment monitoring with on-line PET: positron emitters evaluation and comparison with Monte Carlo predictions 1mSpeaker: Silvia Muraro (INFN Pisa)
2:36 PM
Optimization of Far-Field Pinhole Collimator for High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Imaging in the High-Energy Radiation Environments 1mSpeaker: Minju Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
2:37 PM
Optimization of the equalization procedure for a single-photon counting CdTe detector used for CT 1mSpeaker: Pasquale Delogu (Universita di Siena and INFN Pisa)
2:38 PM
Development of Fixed-type Cargo Inspection System for Three-dimensional Scanning 1mSpeaker: Jeonghee Lee (Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering)
2:39 PM
X-ray micro-CT and neutron CT as complementary imaging tools for nondestructive 3D imaging of rare silicified fossil plants 1mSpeaker: Jakub Karch (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU in Prague)
2:40 PM
Pulse shape discrimination using EJ299-33 organic plastic scintillator for neutron dosimetry during proton beam therapy 1mSpeaker: Andrea Gutierrez (University College London)
2:41 PM
X-ray imaging with sub-micron resolution using large area photon counting detectors Timepix 1mSpeaker: Jan Dudak (Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics CTU in Prague)
2:42 PM
Development of Photon-integrating based-on position sensitive sensor for identifying radioactive source of NDT apparatus in industrial fields 1mSpeaker: Kyotae Kim (Inje University)
2:43 PM
Monte Carlo based efficiency calibration of portable Cube527 CdZnTe micro spectrometer for gamma spectrometry of radioactive waste material 1mSpeaker: Gábor Radócz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2:45 PM
Radiation Imaging with a SOI-based Monolithic Pixel Chip 1mSpeaker: Mahulena Kuklova (Czech Technical University in Prague)
2:48 PM
Using the Medipix3 detector for direct electron imaging in the range 60kV to 200kV in electron microscopy 1mSpeaker: Joaquim Dos Santos (University of Coimbra)
2:49 PM
Development of a technique based on DCDS for CCD readout 1mSpeaker: Carlos Cruz De La Torre (CIEMAT)
2:50 PM
PantherPix3 hybrid pixel gamma ray detector for radio-therapeutic applications 1mSpeaker: Gordon Neue (Czech Technical University in Prague)
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
10:30 PM
Social Event: Wieliczka Tour and Conference dinner
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Front-end and ReadoutConvener: Valeria Rosso (INFN and University of Pisa)
9:00 AM
Tests of UFXC32k chip with CdTe pixel detector 20mSpeaker: Pawel Grybos (AGH University of Science and Technology)
9:20 AM
Katherine: Ethernet Embedded Readout Interface for Timepix3 20mSpeaker: Petr Burian (University of West Bohemia)
9:40 AM
Development of depleted monolithic CMOS sensors with fast readout architecture for the ATLAS Inner Tracker upgrade 20mSpeaker: Tianyang Wang (University of Bonn)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
InvitedConvener: Valeria Rosso (INFN and University of Pisa)
10:00 AM
Fabrication and testing of large area 3D diamond detectors 30mSpeaker: Iain Haughton (University of Manchester)
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee break 30m
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
SensorsConvener: Cinzia Da Via (University of Manchester)
11:00 AM
Thin n-in-p planar pixel developments for the ATLAS ITK 20mSpeaker: Natascha Savic (Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
11:20 AM
CMOS pixel development for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC 20mSpeaker: Andrea Gaudiello (INFN Genova)
11:40 AM
Performance study of double SOI image sensors 20mSpeaker: Toshinobu Miyoshi (KEK)
12:00 PM
The test beam results of SOI pixel detector 20mSpeaker: Marek Idzik (AGH University of Science and Technology)
12:20 PM
The Tynode: a new vacuum electron multiplier for ultra fast pixelised particle detectors 20mSpeaker: Serge Duarte Pinto (Photonis)
11:00 AM
12:40 PM
1:00 PM
SummaryConvener: Wladyslaw Dabrowski (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))
12:40 PM
Workshop summary and closing 20mSpeaker: Christer Fröjdh (Mid Sweden University)
12:40 PM
1:00 PM
2:20 PM
Lunch 1h 20m
9:00 AM
10:00 AM