David Britton
(University of Glasgow (GB))
06/04/2017, 11:00
Roger Jones
(Lancaster University (GB))
06/04/2017, 14:00
David Colling
(Imperial College (GB))
06/04/2017, 14:30
Andrew McNab
(University of Manchester)
06/04/2017, 15:00
Peter Gronbech
(University of Oxford (GB))
06/04/2017, 16:00
What pressures & demands on resources do sites have outside of GridPP?
Andrew David Lahiff
(STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
07/04/2017, 09:30
Jeremy Coles
(University of Cambridge (GB))
07/04/2017, 14:20
Mark William Slater
(University of Birmingham (GB))
07/04/2017, 15:10
Problems and pressure and their interaction with GridPP, strategy being adopted.