January 30, 2018 to February 1, 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Travel and Venue Information


Coming to CERN

CERN is located at the west end of the Geneva canton, next to the border to France (view in OSM).

If you arrive by train, you can take a ~20min tram ride with line 18 from the main station (Gare Cornavin) to CERN, which is the final stop.

If you arrive by plane, you can take a ~15min taxi ride from the Geneva airport. Alternatively, you can take the Y bus direction Val Thoiry, which stops at CERN. There are a number of other lines, which go from the airport to the Blandonnet stop (23 direction ZIPLO; 28 dir. Parfumerie; 57 dir. ZIMEYSA-gare) or Bouchet stop (10 dir. Rive), from where you can change to the tram line 18. The Transport Public Genevois provides a trip planer. Note that you can take a free ticket for Geneva public transportation at the airport.  

The entrance B is open all the time, the other entrances may be closed at times.

Arrival At CERN

Access to the CERN site is restricted. For participants without a CERN access card, we will issue a temporary access card with a validity of 4 days (from January 30th to February 2nd).

To this extent we have created a survey where you can enter your NATIONALITY and, in case you need to access the site with your car, the license plate numbers. Please provide this information before January 23rd.

Once you arrive to CERN, please go to the RECEPTION (building 33, just in front of the Globe) to request your access card, specifying that you are a participant in the CernVM Workshop – you will be asked to show your passport/ID card. At the reception you can also get a map of the site.

Conference Room

The workshop takes place on Monday and Wedensday in the Kjell Johnsen conference room (building 30), close to the water tower with a beautiful view to the Mont Blanc and the Jura mountains and a coffee place just next to it.

On Tuesday, we will be in the IT auditorium (building 31), next to restaurant 2.

You can reach building 30 either by walking (about 20’) or with the shuttle bus no. 1, leaving in front of the reception: there will be departures at 8h08, 8h28, 8h48 and 9h08 (see timetable). For building 31, you can use the shuttle stop "504/restaurant 2".

The reception opens Monday at 8h30.

Internet Access

CERN provides free WiFi via the CERN-Visitors network as well as eduroam access.


If you want to benefit from the group booking in the CERN hostel, please fill out the CERN Hostel Booking Form and send it to housing.service@cern.ch with the key word "CERN VM 2018".  Please also send a copy to cinzia.pinzoni@cern.ch.

The booking includes 15 rooms with shower for 58 CHF for Monday and Tuesday and 15 rooms with toilet and shared shower for 48 CHF for Wednesday. The payment is being made directly to the hostel.

Please register yourself until 22 December 2017 at noon (Geneva time) at the latest.
(CERN is closed during the Christmas break from 22.12.2017 afternoon to 07.01.2018 inclusive). Note that requests coming during the closure may still be satisfied, though full confirmation will come only on 8 January 2018.

For accommodation outside the CERN hostel, please find a list of hotels in the area here.