Please notice that due to limited space, participation is limited to about 120 guests.
Registration fee is:
- 150 €, full fee
- 100 €, reduced fee for PhD students
and includes access to all sessions, coffee breaks, excursion and to the conference dinner.
The accepted payment methods are:
1) Cash, to be paid in EUR at the registration desk.
2) Bank transfer (preferred) to:
Account Holder: National Institute of Chemical Physics and
Biophysics (NICPB)
Holder Address: Akadeemia tee 23, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia
Bank Name: Swedbank AS
Bank Address: Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn, Estonia
IBAN Code: EE902200221001135465
Swift Code: HABAEE2X
Reference: PACTS 2018 - [your name]
Should you wish to cancel your registration, please contact the organising committee.
Additional information:
- NICPB identification fiscal number (VAT): EE100518544
- the cost of social events for every accompanying person is 50 €.