Jul 17 – 23, 2017
Europe/London timezone

Registration fee

Basic registration fee includes school participation, staying at Reading University hotel single premier suites from 16th till 23rd of July, breakfast, coffee-breaks and school centralised meals (lunches, reception on Monday and dinner on Friday). The fee is 880 GBP. If you are based somewhere nearby Reading and you do not need accommodation, you can pay 'visitor' fee, which is 440 GBP. This fee covers school participation, coffee-breaks, school centralised meals (lunches and reception on Monday and dinner on Friday). If you apply before April 30 (and pay before May 15), you get 10% early-registration discount.

We have the possibility to subsidise students who cannot afford the full fee. Register early if you are interested in being considered for the subsidy.

The fee has to be paid in full to secure your place after your registration has been confirmed.