27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Measurements of the top quark properties at decay with CMS

Not scheduled
Other Institutes

Other Institutes

University of Debrecen Egyetem sq. 1. Debrecen
Top, heavy quarks and searches Top, heavy quarks and searches




Several measurements of top quark properties are presented using data collected by the CMS experiment at different centre-of-mass-energies. The properties are mostly probed in the decay of the top quarks. The Wtb couplings are probed by measuring the helicity fractions in single top and ttbar topologies or by inspecting a V-A vertex structure of the coupling. Furthermore, searches for flavor-changing neutral currents involving top quarks are discussed including tZq, tɣq, tgq and tHq couplings. Limits are set on anomalous top couplings and the results are furthermore re-interpreted as searches for new physics inducing deviations from the standard model predictions.


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