QCD@LHC 2017 and Debrecen University Symposium 2017
(web page: http://qcdatlhc2017.phys.unideb.hu/home)
28th August -- 1st September 2017
This workshop aims at fostering discussions and collaboration between experimenters and theorists, working on strong interactions at the LHC.
Topics to be discussed include
Results from the LHC on
* Higgs and electroweak physics
* Soft and Hard QCD
* heavy flavours
* heavy ions
Theory of
* Higgs physics
* jets and jet substructure
* fixed-order and resummed computations in QCD and electroweak sector (including SCET)
* heavy quarks
Parton density functions, event simulations QCD for searches for new physics
Important dates:
Abstract submission deadline: extended to June 10th
Abstract acceptance: June 15th
Deadline for early registration: June 30th
Deadline for registration: August 25th