27 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Other Institutes
Europe/Zurich timezone

Modeling BSM effects on the Higgs transverse-momentum spectrum in an EFT approach

29 Aug 2017, 14:30


Higgs physics and searches Higgs physics and searches


Agnieszka Janina Ilnicka (University of Zurich / ETH Zurich (CH))


After the Higgs boson discovery, LHC can be used as a precision machine to explore its properties. Indeed, in case new resonances will not be found, the only access to New Physics would be via measuring small deviations from the SM predictions. A consistent approach is provided by a bottom-up Effective Field Theory, with dimension six operators built of Standard Model fields (SMEFT). We discuss how this approach works in case of the transverse momentum spectrum of the Higgs particle. In our calculation we augmented the Standard Model with three additional operators describing modifications of the top and bottom Yukawa couplings, and a point-like Higgs coupling to gluons. We discuss also the impact of the chromomagnetic operator.

Primary author

Agnieszka Janina Ilnicka (University of Zurich / ETH Zurich (CH))

Presentation materials