Second edition of the workshop to discuss the progress on the understanding of the collective, and posible QGP signals in the hot dense QCD systems of the fundamental strongly interacting matter, created at extreme conditions from pp to AA ultra-relativistic collisions. Students and postdocs working on heavy-ion related fields are encourage to discuss their work to promote new collaborations and no border frontiers on science
• Initial state physics in small collisions systems
• Multi-parton interactions.
• Collective dynamics from small to large systems
• Correlations and fluctuations from small to large systems
• Strongly coupled and low viscosity systems
• Jet physics, quarkonia and heavy flavor in small collision systems
• Initial conditions
• New tools to study small collision systems
Conference fee
A conference fee of 170 USD will include coffee breaks, lunches and the conference dinner and excursion.
Important dates
- April 5th: registration and abstract submission open
- April 28th: 1st announcement
- August 31st: 2nd announcement
- October 1st: Registration deadline
- July 1st: Student support applications deadline
- September 15th: Notification for student support
- October 10th: Abstract submission deadline
Organizing committee
Irais Bautista (Conacyt-BUAP, Mexico)
Arturo Fernández (DPyC-BUAP, Mexico)
Yen-Jie Lee (MIT, USA)
Antonio Ortiz (ICN-UNAM, Mexico)
Guy Paic (ICN-UNAM, Mexico)
Gunther Roland (MIT, USA)
International advisory committee
Federico Antinori (CERN, Switzerland and INFN, Italy)
Peter Christiansen (Lund University, Sweden)
Paolo Giubellino (GSI-FAIR, Germany)
Larry McLerran (INT University of Washington, USA)
Andreas Morsch (CERN, Switzerland)
Carlos Pajares (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Jurgen Schukraft (CERN, Switzerland)