31 October 2017 to 3 November 2017
Other Institutes
America/Mexico_City timezone
Call for abstracts

Investigating the multiplicity dependence in pp, pA and AA with EPOS 3

1 Nov 2017, 11:10


Dr Benjamin Guiot (Universidad Federico Santa Maria)


EPOS3 is a minimum bias Monte-Carlo event generator used for Heavy Ion Collisions. It is successful in the description of particle spectra as well as flow-like observables and includes viscous hydrodynamics expansion, hadronic cascade, and heavy quark production.

In the beginning, we will present the general features of the model and show that multiple interactions play a central role for both flow-like and particle spectra.

Then, we will focus on the more specific case of heavy quark production and the study of the dynamics of high multiplicity pp events.

Primary author

Dr Benjamin Guiot (Universidad Federico Santa Maria)

Presentation materials

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