We explore the phenomenological constraints of models with non-holomorphic soft SUSY breaking terms in a beyond the MSSM scenario having identical particle content. The model referred as NHSSM shows various promising features like the possibility of a strong reduction in electroweak fine-tuning even for a scenario of a heavy higgsino type of LSP, a fact that is unavailable in pMSSM models. The other important aspect is satisfying the muon g−2 data even for a small tanβ via a small value of coupling A′μ associated with the tri-linear non-holomorphic soft term. Thus, a large SUSY contribution to muon g−2 is possible even for a significantly large smuon mass mμ1~. The Higgs mass radiative corrections are contributed by both the holomorphic and non-holomorphic trilinear soft parameters At and A′t, thus diluting the requirement to have a larger At to satisfy the Higgs mass data. The model also provides with valid parameter space satisfying the constraint of B→Xs+γ for large values of tanβ, a scenario unfavourable in pMSSM. We will further discuss the effect of considering appropriate SUSY breaking mechanisms.
Presentation type | Parallel talk |