19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Testing the WIMP paradigm at future experiments

22 Jun 2017, 15:00
Grey Room 1 (IFT)

Grey Room 1


Parallel talk Parallel III


Giorgio Arcadi (MPIK Heidelberg)


We discuss the capability of next generation of Direct Detection experiments, for example XENON1T and LZ, as well as of future runs of LHC and possible future accelerators, of fully probing the WIMP paradigm. We will indeed show, in some simple relevant cases of study, that the projected sensitivities of these experiments can fully cover the parameter space corresponding to the correct DM relic density, according the Standard WIMP mechanism.

Presentation type Parallel talk


Giorgio Arcadi (MPIK Heidelberg)

Presentation materials