19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Update on R-Parity violation at the LHC

20 Jun 2017, 15:45
Blue Room (IFT)

Blue Room


Parallel talk Parallel IV


Dr Manuel E. Krauss (Bonn University)


We examine in detail the current LHC coverage of signatures arising from the R-Parity-violating Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We take into account all experimental analyses for prompt signatures within this context, both explicit searches for RPV signals as well as other analyses containing applicable experimental signatures. These are contrasted with well-motivated phenomenological scenarios whereby we take the R-Parity-violating CMSSM as a guideline, imposing both Higgs and flavour constraints. We find that the analyses performed by the experimental collaborations provide very good coverage of relevant signatures. Finally, we address the question of whether R-Parity violation can ease the stringent collider constraints on models with CMSSM boundary conditions. We find that virtually all R-Parity-violating CMSSM models are either more strongly constrained or similarly constrained in comparison to the R-Parity-conserving CMSSM.

Presentation type Parallel talk


Presentation materials