19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Non-Gaussianity as a Particle Detector

20 Jun 2017, 15:30
Red Room (IFT)

Red Room


Nicolas Cabrera 13-15 Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid Spain
Parallel talk Parallel I


Hayden Lee (University of Cambridge)


Cosmological correlation functions encode the spectrum of particles during inflation, in analogy to scattering amplitudes in colliders. In this talk, I will discuss the imprints of massive particles with arbitrary spin on cosmological correlators. The spinning case is particularly interesting because the detection of massive higher-spin particles would be strongly indicative of a stringy origin of inflation. I will describe their key spectroscopic features in the scalar and tensor bispectra, and discuss scenarios in which they lead to observable non-Gaussianity.

Presentation type Parallel talk


Hayden Lee (University of Cambridge)


Presentation materials