19–23 Jun 2017
IFT (Madrid)
Europe/Madrid timezone

The minimal fermionic model of electroweak baryogenesis

20 Jun 2017, 15:00
Grey Room 1 (IFT)

Grey Room 1


Parallel talk Parallel III


Daniel Egana-Ugrinovic (Stony Brook University)


We present the minimal purely fermionic model of EWBG. A strong first order phase transition is obtained from fermion-induced radiative corrections on the Higgs potential, while the baryon asymmetry is obtained from asymmetric scattering of the same set of fermions on the bubble wall. The model introduces no additional tuning below the TeV scale: all new fields are stabilized at the electroweak scale by chiral symmetries. Most of the model's parameter space is going to be decisively tested at LHC by multilepton searches.

Presentation type Parallel talk


Daniel Egana-Ugrinovic (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials