Neutrinoless double beta decay, lepton number violating collider processes and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) are intimately related. In particular lepton number violating processes at low energies in combination with sphaleron transitions will typically erase any pre-existing baryon asymmetry of the Universe. In this contribution we briefly review the tight connection between...
The baryon asymmetry and dark matter in the Universe can be explained just by introducing right-handed neutrinos with masses well below the Fermi scale. For the masses of the order of GeV scale baryogenesis via neutrino oscillations works as a mechanism to generate the baryon asymmetry. We derived kinetic equations of the baryogenesis accounting for fermion number violating effects missed so...
We present the minimal purely fermionic model of EWBG. A strong first order phase transition is obtained from fermion-induced radiative corrections on the Higgs potential, while the baryon asymmetry is obtained from asymmetric scattering of the same set of fermions on the bubble wall. The model introduces no additional tuning below the TeV scale: all new fields are stabilized at the...
I will discuss a simple extension of the SM with just an additional scalar singlet coupling to the Higgs. My main focus will be the possible probes of electroweak baryogenesis in this model including collider searches gravitational wave detection and direct dark matter detection experiments. I will show there are regions in the parameter space where observation of gravitational waves is the...
We consider an isolated electroweak monopole solution within the Standard Model with a
non-linear Born-Infeld extension of the hypercharge gauge field. Monopole (and dyon) solutions
in such an extension are regular and their masses are predicted to be proportional
to the Born-Infeld mass parameter. We argue that cosmological production of electroweak
monopoles in a narrow mass range may delay...
Primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) can be an important ingredient in the early and even the present Universe, which might explain the present magnetic fields in the galaxies and intergalactic magnetic fields suggested by blazar observations. We discuss the production of axion-like particles (ALPs) through the photon-axion conversion through the PMFs. We identify the conditions in which the ALPs...
We study dark matter physics in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
with non-universal gaugino masses at the unification scale.
In this scenario, the specific ratio of wino and gluino masses
realizes the electro-weak scale naturally and achieve the 125 GeV Higgs mass.
Then, relatively light higgsinos are predicted
and the neutral component is a good dark matter candidate.
A prediction of the standard LCDM cosmological model, also confirmed by N-body cosmological simulations, is that dark matter (DM) halos are teeming with numerous self-bound substructure, or subhalos. The precise properties of these subhalos represent important probes of the underlying cosmological model. Subhalos may also play a key role on the search for DM via its annihilation products, as...
The XENON100 experiment is designed to search for dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) by detecting WIMP-induced nuclear recoils (NRs) with a liquid xenon (LXe) time projection chamber. The modulation of the low energy (low-E), (2–6) keV event rate in the DAMA/LIBRA experiment is currently the only long-standing claim for a positive dark matter detection. One...
The identification of dark matter is presently one of the greatest challenges in science, fundamental to our understanding of the Universe. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) that arise naturally in several models of physics beyond the Standard Model are compelling candidates for dark matter.
The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) collaboration is constructing a massive dark matter detector, to be...
There exist well motivated models of particle dark matter which predominantly scatter inelas- tically off nuclei in direct detection experiments. This inelastic transition causes the dark matter to up-scatter in terrestrial experiments into an excited state up to 550 keV heavier than the dark matter itself. An inelastic transition of this size is highly suppressed by both kinematics and...
Ultralight bosonic particle is one of the dark matter and called fuzzy dark matter.
Its astrophysical properties are interesting and have been recently studied.
On the other hand, the detection method is less discussed. We propose a new method to detect them using the motions of heavenly bodies.
(This is a work in progress)
Semi-annihilation is a generic feature of dark matter theories stabilized by symmetries larger than a $Z_2$. It contributes to thermal freeze out, but is irrelevant for direct and collider searches. This allows semi-annihilating dark matter to avoid those limits in a natural way. We use an effective operator approach to make the first model-independent study of the associated phenomenology....
The WIMP-paradigm tells us that a neutral particle with an EW cross-section and an electroweak-scale mass roughly explains the observed relic abundance. However, a closer look reveals that this correspondance is quantitatively not very precise since multi-TeV dark matter masses are reached for the simplest models, which is 1-2 orders of magnitude larger than the electroweak scale. But with an...
We discuss the capability of next generation of Direct Detection experiments, for example XENON1T and LZ, as well as of future runs of LHC and possible future accelerators, of fully probing the WIMP paradigm. We will indeed show, in some simple relevant cases of study, that the projected sensitivities of these experiments can fully cover the parameter space corresponding to the correct DM...
Higgsinos and Wino have strong motivations for being
Dark Matter (DM) candidates in supersymmetry, but their annihilation cross sections are quite large.
For thermal generation and a single component DM setup
the higgsinos or wino may have masses of around 1 or 2-3 TeV respectively. For such DM candidates,
a small amount of slepton coannihilation may decrease the effective DM...
We investigate the constraints on exotic charges of standard model and dark sector fermions coming from the cancellation of gauge anomalies in simplified models of dark matter. Assuming generation-independent charges, we show that the standard coupling structures assumed in such models necessitate the existence of additional exotic fermions. These fermions cannot be arbitrarily heavy, and some...
The putative black holes which may constitute all the dark matter are described by a Kerr metric with only two parameters, mass M and angular momentum J. There has been little discussion of J since it plays no role in the upcoming attempt at detection by microlensing. Nevertheless J does play a central role in understanding the previous lack of detection, especially of CMB distortion. We...
We expand the GUT scenarios studied in in arXiv:1511.06205 with an analysis of the Pati-Salam (PS) group. The new SUSY scenarios that can be directly compared with our previous SO(10) analysis. Regarding neutralino relic density, the PS group can fit WMAP bounds in areas where gluinos and stops can coannihilate with the neutralino. We also investigate whether the models can predict a...
A general mechanism for thermal production of dark matter (DM) via 3-to-2 scatterings, or other higher-order interactions, allows for sub-GeV dark matter and strong self-interactions that meet existing constraints but have the potential to explain mysteries with cold DM and structure formation. In such models, so-called Strongly Interacting Massive Particles (SIMPs), a correct thermal average...
We study the muon g-2 and neutralino dark matter as explained by the MSSM where the squarks and 3rd generation sleptons are decoupled. Particularly, we focus on constraints from current and future dark matter experiments such as PandaX-II and LUX-2016 as well as current bounds from collider searches. Using the constraints on the MSSM from the muon g-2 and DM searches, we study constraints from...
We revisit the singlet-doublet dark matter model with a special emphasis on the CP violation effect on the dark matter phenomenology. The CP violation in the dark sector induces a pseudoscalar interaction of a fermionic dark matter candidate with the SM Higgs boson. The pseudoscalar interaction helps the dark matter candidate evade the strong constraints from the dark matter direct detection...
Motivated by the possibility of enhancing dark-matter self-interaction cross-section $\sigma_{\rm self}$, we have revisited the issue of dark matter annihilation through a Breit-Wigner resonance.
For instance the resonance-enhanced early-universe annihilation cross section implies so small cross section for elastic scattering between dark matter and the Standard Model, that effects of early...
I will discuss symmetric and asymmetric dark matter with long-range interactions, in particular dark matter coupled to a light vector or scalar force mediator. Accurate determination of the relic abundance requires inclusion of Sommerfeld enhancement and consideration of bound state formation. Due to the Sommerfeld enhancement, highly asymmetric dark matter with long-range interactions can...