Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

4 April 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone


In many discussions with individuals active in the humanitarian foresight and futures, we felt the hunger to discuss the potential of aggregation and collaboration ... and how it can help to make our work more effective and impactful. Thus, we aim for a workshop to identify common needs and focal areas of the humanitarian sector in a fully co-created and co-owned manner. A possible outcome would be to design together a second workshop, which also brings in the ‘un-usual suspects’ from academia, technology, financial & insurance sectors.

Invited individuals from following organisations:

Anthemis, CERN, Devex, foraus, GCSP, GHL, globe-expert, Graduate Institute, Havard Humanitarian Initiative, Handicap International, ICRC, ICVA, IDMC, IFRC, IOM, ITC, ITU, Global Shapers, MSF, NRC, OECD, Pangloss Labs, School of International Futures, SDG Lab, Strategic Foresight Initative, Atlantic Council, TdH, UN Global Pulse, UNCTAD, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNOCHA, WEF, WFP, World Vision, xynteo


Futurist Juan Enriquez is an academic, speaker and writer. One of his favourite topics is how genomics and other life sciences will bring profound changes in business, technology, politics and society. With many books, articles and multiple TED talks in the last years he covered a broad spectrum of foresight topics in this field. Juan will inspire us with his views on the future of humanity - via video.

Designer & internet entrepreneur David Galbraith is Co-founder of San Francisco Incubator, MRL Ventures (where he lead the project which became Yelp),, the first news aggregator (acquired by Verisign) and Realtime Anywhere (the first Internet company in London’s Shoreditch, in 1994). David created the visual bookmarking concept behind Pinterest and co-authored the widely used RSS standard. David is a Partner at Financial Service Venture Capital firm, Anthemis. David will discuss with us how data will change the financial world.

Sean Carroll is the crowdAI platform manager, where open data questions are answered using data science. The current crowdAI project, developed in conjunction with the Stanford Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab, seeks to understand better how we walk. Sean will present the potential of the newest AI technologies and how they can be effectively applied, without developing in-house expertise. Sean works at the Digital Epidemiology Lab, at EPFL.

Tuuli Utriainen is striving to facilitate a human centred approach for creating radically novel technological solutions at CERN IdeaSquare. Her mission is to create possibilities for people to work together in novel ways. Currently she’s setting up different pilot activities including Challenge Based Innovation program. Tuuli will introduce us to the space and methods of the IdeaSquare.

Rich Cox challenges leaders, groups and companies to stretch farther and achieve more. He helps world leaders and change-makers inspire others to action. He unlocks the creative genius in entrepreneurs and teams so they can go out and dent the universe. Rich is a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Initial Focal Areas:

A big thank you to all of you who already help to create momentum and direction by doing the video web interview and survey. It helped to identify following initial focal areas as starting points for our discussions:

  • Information & Analytics
  • Organisation & Coordination
  • Sourcing & Financing
  • Procurement & Logistics
  • Supply & Care
  • Education & Work


  1. Please take 6 minutes to answer the focal area web video interview here. We will not publish any of your answers, but will use them to create the need-driven agenda for the workshop. (Alternatively you can also fill the text form survey with the same questions here.)
  2. Please register here.
385 Route de Meyrin, 1211 Geneva 23
Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.