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25 July 2007 to 1 August 2007
Karlsruhe University
Europe/Zurich timezone

Sneutrino-antisneutrino mixing at future colliders

30 Jul 2007, 14:00
Gaede-Auditorium (Karlsruhe University)


Karlsruhe University

Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1 76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Parallel Talk Colliders - Susy Phenomenology Colliders - Susy Phenomenology 7 (Theory)


Mr Tuomas Honkavaara (Helsinki Institute of Physics)


Sneutrino-antisneutrino mixing occurs in a supersymmetric model where neutrinos have nonzero Majorana masses. This can lead to the sneutrino decaying into a final state with a ``wrong-sign charged lepton''. In an $e^- \gamma$ collider, the signal of the associated production of an electron-sneutrino and the lighter chargino and the subsequent decays can be $e^- \gamma \rightarrow e^+{\tilde \tau}_1^-{\tilde\tau}_1^- + {p_T \hspace{-.9em}/\;\:}$ where the ${\tilde \tau}_1$s are long-lived and can produce heavily ionizing charged tracks. This signal is free of any Standard Model background and the supersymmetric backgrounds are small. Such a signal can be experimentally observable under certain conditions which are possible to obtain in an anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB) scenario [1]. At the LHC, sneutrino-antisneutrino mixing can result in a like-sign dilepton signal either through direct sneutrino production or through squark and gluino production. The mixing can also be probed through sneutrino-slepton production. However, in an AMSB scenario, the number of like-sign dilepton signals through sneutrino oscillation is quite small, and backgrounds present a problem for the detectability [2]. [1] T. Honkavaara, K. Huitu, S. Roy, Phys. Rev. D73, 055011 (2006). [2] D.K. Ghosh, T. Honkavaara, K. Huitu, S. Roy, in preparation.

Primary author

Mr Tuomas Honkavaara (Helsinki Institute of Physics)


Dr Dilip Ghosh (University of Delhi) Prof. Katri Huitu (Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Helsinki) Prof. Sourov Roy (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science)

Presentation materials