Higgs & Top at LHeC



CERN - Tokyo - Liverpool - Johannesburg - Beijing - Hamburg

Satoshi showed the invisible search results using Delphes 3.4.0 and the card FCChh.tcl.  Compared to Delphes 3.1.2, the results are very similar.

Uta said that MG file can be the same so no need to regenerate (same MG, just different Delphes).


- FCChe delphes card includes now all resolutions according to Peter's design, and further scrutinised HCAL resolutions. The b-tagging is currently set to 1 as  a monitor only. The anti-kt R value is changed to 0.4 as needed for multi-jet final states.
- We discussed that we like to have high b and c-tagging efficiencies, pt-dependent (for a high signal) and at modest backgrounds -> Orhan and his team started to have a look at this and will send a summary fo their findings soon
Note : FCChh has pt-dependent b and c tagging until eta<4, we may use those and lower the starting pt cuts from 10 GeV to 1 GeV.
- We discussed the effect of the polarisation in the generation, summarised by Kechen, and we agreed that our scaling was o.k. for the CC Higgs production. However, for the new generations with complex final states we should switch polarisation on in the generation. In particular important for gamma-Z interference graphs -> pt of the electron after Z exchange may be harder than pt after photon exchange -> so it may affect the analysis strategy.

- P=-0.8 should be used.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Update on invisible decay study
      Speaker: Satoshi Kawaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
    • 2
      Hbb coupling measurement
      Speaker: Masahiro Tanaka (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
    • 3
      Final FCChe delphes card & discussion

      Attached is the final card w.r.t. resolutions, c.f. Peter Kostka presentation

      => CAL resolutions edited together with Max Klein, and comparing to HCAL set 9 (c.f. Tanaka-san studies).
      => mainly the HCAL contant terms were divided by factor 2, and inner HCAL resolution was changed from 40% to 30%. Those settings should now resemble HACL9 settings.
      => I added all the tracking resolutions (was not done before) and had to activate a pt>0 in modules/MomentumSmearing.cpp (otherwise delphes crashes)
      To be discussed still:
      - nominal choice for b and charm tagging nominals
      - nominal generation with or without e- polarisation-> effect of kinematic distributions?
      - effective background generation for 4 to 5 jet events : 5000 events take 9 hours, choice of generator cuts etc.

      Speaker: Uta Klein (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 4
      H to phiphi to 4b
      Speaker: Mr Chen Zhang (Peking University)
    • 5
      Status of RPC SUSY
      Speaker: Dr Kechen Wang (DESY / IHEP)
    • 6
      Status of Wits Studies
      Speakers: Mukesh Kumar (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)), Xifeng Ruan (University of the Witwatersrand (ZA))
    • 7
      FCNC top-Higgs couplings
      Speaker: hao sun (DaLian University of Technology)
    • 8
      Top-q-gamma FCNC
      Speakers: Orhan CAKIR (Ankara University), Prof. Orhan Cakir (Ankara University (TR)), Orhan Cakir (University of Ankara (TR)), Orhan Cakir (University of Ankara), Orhan Cakir (University of Ankara (TR))